@nyaasar @finer replaced with xenforo, old post will be imported
new reader lit. stopped loading chapters that are older than 1 month, by any definition that makes it the opposite of working perfectly
What you're asking is technically not possible.
Notifications are like the ping/mention system on discord. It's not a reply feature.
The notification has no connection to the comment people are replying to.
@DGfel you need to enter the chapter NUMBER into the CHAPTER NUMBER field, you don't need to put "ch.#" into the TITLE field
and there is no need to put 0 into the VOLUME field.
what you are doing is breaking sorting
@TheLord there is a chance VIZ might use the same translation as this one, and apparently this one still available but not easy to get so it doesn't yet qualify for ex-license, we'd rather wait till the viz version is out to make the jump.