The mental gymnastic of idiots who can't accept the truth sure is entertaining and mind numbing at the same time. I wonder how far the author gonna push it.
Prince Ali! Handsome is he,
Ali of Tabriz
That physique! How can I speak?
Weak at the knee!
Well, get on out in that square
Adjust your veil and prepare
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!
So in Japan, there are companies that help you to resign from your job cuz sometimes the company you worked with will try to cajole you into keep working by holding payment, delaying tactics, etc.
That letter is one from such company.
You know like if girl being nice to guys then guys completely misunderstood them as sign of affection.
This is like the opposite of that. Dude really don't want anything to do with them but they are classmate and he's just being a normal societal person so not being a dick is a given but the...