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  1. tadrow


    @Wreavant You might want to skip this arc, at least. It's a tentaclefest in several spots. Up to ch. 113, not so much. We're closing in on the end of the arc that started in 114.
  2. tadrow

    Tsugumomo - Vol. 25 Ch. 124 - Showdown With Dabada 2

    Just going to leave this here:
  3. tadrow

    Tsugumomo - Vol. 25 Ch. 124 - Showdown With Dabada 2

    Second anime season, PLUS an extra-ecchi OVA disc to accompany vol. 24, on Jan. 22nd. Lots of bathtime and other shenanigans from the first 10 volumes. Now listed for preorder on
  4. tadrow


    The SV would be in ch. 118-120, when Dabada shows off her dungeon to break her slaves to her will. And 123, 124…
  5. tadrow

    Tsugumomo - Vol. 25 Ch. 124 - Showdown With Dabada 2

    Hamada's been less detailed on his streams, mostly due to FC2 cracking down on post-stream videos, so there's less to decensor. On the other hand, his Pixiv is filling up with older pages he's posted without the whiteout layer, and only some li'l pink bars of shame. And for everybody doing the...
  6. tadrow

    Ane Naru Mono - Ch. 9

    @Doomroar This series is the other way around: This is the original series, the serial in G's is the spinoff. I'm in the camp that feels it's a prequel to this series, based on the way the first DJ plays out. They're kept mostly separate in a plausible-deniability fashion, apart from Onee-chan...
  7. tadrow

    Images not loading and other fun things. FIXED

    Getting occasional CloudFlare errors; sounding like DDOS or just lots of panic-reloading. So, there's your other fun things.
  8. tadrow

    Dropped Manga Wish List

    Baggataway Progress: 5 volumes, 25 chapters (of 12 volumes, completed) Last release a year ago No reason given for dropping Raws available from Amazon and BookWalker
  9. tadrow


    Groups come and go, and titles get picked up and dropped. There's always the "Dropped Manga Wish List" thread:
  10. tadrow

    BaggataWay - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Encounter with an Idiot

    This is… a bit different from that. 😳
  11. tadrow


    "It's not the despair. I can take the despair. It's the hope that's killing me."
  12. tadrow


    I have the missing early chapters, but need to unrar and rezip for uploading. Hope to find time soon.
  13. tadrow

    How to preserve manga/novel?

    If it's currently available, it's probably not worth the bother to do another version unless you feel the existing one isn't well done. I've noticed a few series that were put out by publishers that are no longer around have been put on MangaDex, which seems reasonable. The cheap paper used...
  14. tadrow

    Dropped Manga Wish List

    Series Name: Oni Futatsu Series Link on MangaDex: Chapter Progress: 4 (out of 5 in vol. 1, vol. 2 with ch. 6-12 looks like it may be the end) Date of last release: 10 months ago Reason group dropped: unknown, group web page seems to have vanished...
  15. tadrow

    Dropped Manga Wish List Group seems to be defunct 7 chapters done, 5 volumes out Raws available, BookWalker and elsewhere (Just discovered chapters are not available here, still up on Dynasty)
  16. tadrow

    Toaru Yakedo Shoujo no Hanashi

    @MarqFJA87 They're from the "Based on" section of the originals on Pixiv.
  17. tadrow


    I'll see what I can do about p. 36 (Credits)
  18. tadrow

    Ane Naru Mono

    Chapter 8 is (presumably) in the translation channel; in the meantime, here's the 7.5 extra.
  19. tadrow

    Dropped Manga Wish List

    Ane no Onaka wo Fukuramaseru no wa Boku Raws out there, ended at 4 volumes, 2 volumes translated.
  20. tadrow

    Who actually actively buys Manga?

    I buy from BookWalker frequently, both licensed series and JP language (not counting free volumes or free trials), a few JP at a time in paper from Kinokuniya, and a few licensed volumes from Barnes & Noble, Powell's or Amazon every few months.