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  1. Smileyguy

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 49

    This girl is an expert at shooting herself on the foot
  2. Smileyguy

    Giri-Giri Saegiru Katagirisan - Vol. 3 Ch. 31

    Dude, give the kid a freaking break Also, Okada's friends are true friends
  3. Smileyguy

    Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible - Vol. 4 Ch. 36 - Chalk Eraser and Favorite Hairstyle

    @ArisenDresden The guy only appears every so often, like once every 8-10 chapters, and he's actually really helpful when he shows up, give it a chance, he's not another romantic interest if that's what you're worried about.
  4. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 20 Ch. 200 - Fujiwara Chika Wants to be Celebrated

    @Weetch You're the first person to notice that, thanks Chika is pretty rich and I guess she can be classy(given her politian parents) when she wants, I just wanted to add a little personal touch with her words, hope you like it
  5. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Vol. 20 Ch. 200 - Chika Fujiwara also want a birthday party sia

    THE JOKE IS STILL ALIVE¡? Welcome to the kaguya ch 200 scanlators club, make yourself at home and remember our motto: Keep'em coming bois
  6. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War

    @Fish_Food I should've saved the freaking comments brooo :(, they were a total blast, literally laughing my ass off at 2 am trying not to wake up my parents @PiakuchuKiller @ptg_ We should create create our own community of scanlators who did this bcs the joke was too funny not to join xD
  7. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War

    @Fish_Food I actually had a good laugh at your version while only understanding about 40% of it because JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THAT FONT WAS A NIGHTMARE TO READ(no offense), I think the joke may have died today, it was good while it lasted
  8. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 20 Ch. 200 - Chika Fujiwara Wants to be Celebrated

    this is unreadable and i freaking love it let the meme be born, endless scanlations of ch 200 come to me
  9. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War

    @RUD3DUD3 I think half of them want to actually take over, the other half just wants to be part of the joke
  10. Smileyguy

    Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 20 Ch. 200 - Chika Fujiwara Wants to Celebrate

    I honestly just want to do one too for the sake of memes, can I be part of the joke?
  11. Smileyguy

    Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible - Vol. 4 Ch. 36 - Chalk Eraser and Favorite Hairstyle

    @googoober if you can endure the first 10 chapters of not really knowing where is this manga going then go for this one: once the bases are set it's easily one of the most heartwarming ones, at least for me is just beautiful
  12. Smileyguy


    Hey chicos, parece ser que su scan sirvio de base para los scans ingleses Felicidades xD
  13. Smileyguy

    Koi Suru Fukurahagi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Ba-dump

    Kaguya sama but with office workers?
  14. Smileyguy

    Urushiha Sarara wa Koi Nado Shinai - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    What is even going on right now?
  15. Smileyguy

    Giri-Giri Saegiru Katagirisan - Vol. 3 Ch. 29

    Having a normal chapter in this manga feels so freaking weird
  16. Smileyguy

    Shishunki Bitter Change - Vol. 8 Ch. 56 - Summer Night Sky

    I always come back to this chapter to cry and remember that best boy Tachibana didn't even get a shot, I hated Yui with all my might during the whole manga and I just wanted to see Yuuta happy with someone else, literally anyone else