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  1. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 25 Ch. 268 - A Greedy Man

    So kyara took the blow to ensure that he would have to drink the peroxide in the end?
  2. the9813

    Bakemonogatari - Vol. 6 Ch. 47

  3. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 25 Ch. 265 - 10 Second Battle

    its reversed right, yakou needs to survive the 10s because he is the "defender" of the title right?
  4. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 24 Ch. 262 - The Weird Feeling In Violence, Bullets And Deceit

    On page 13 that is not the smile of a man who has all of his teeth and jaw shattered should be making lmao
  5. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 24 Ch. 256 - The River Of Death

    @Veshv the stronk PVD dude who fought Not-Yakou
  6. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 24 Ch. 255 - Special Journey

    Wow, whoever called out the private jet foreshadow so many chapters ago got the nail on the head
  7. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 24 Ch. 254 - Aufheben

    Aufheben or Aufhebung is a German word with several seemingly contradictory meanings, including "to lift up", "to abolish", "cancel" or "suspend", or "to sublate". The term has also been defined as "abolish", "preserve", and "transcend. from wikia
  8. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 23 Ch. 243 - Flurry Of Blades

    Thats more of a jigsaw than a chainsaw, as it uses no chains for the teeth, rather a jittering back and forth movement. unless ranko cant identify power tools
  9. the9813

    Gambling Outcast Kaiji: The 2.4 Billion Escape Arc - Kaiji Part 6 - Vol. 7 Ch. 314 - Silence

    Watch as Kaiji already left posed as the motorcycle dude
  10. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 21 Ch. 224 - The Inside And The Outside Of The prediction

    that dude just launched himself with the force of his elbows into the ground
  11. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 21 Ch. 222 - Keep It Around

    Am I misunderstanding page 15, or did leo really manage to reverse a DDT from marco with the force of his neck alone
  12. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 21 Ch. 221 - The Two Fangs

    Ah suteguma is her brother
  13. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 17 Ch. 186.5 - Volume 17 Side Story

    The curse of the coffee got kadokura without him even drinking it.
  14. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 20 Ch. 218 - Where's The Hoarding House?

    @Veshv I thought the SAT bet for all people to enter?
  15. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 20 Ch. 217 - The Man Who Summons The Tempest

    No 16 was kadokura's number
  16. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 20 Ch. 215 - Go And Go

    For anyone wondering how he was walking on the side, he has the cable attached to him
  17. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 20 Ch. 214 - The Narrator From Hell

    @tack what are the odds, what a cruel irony
  18. the9813

    Usogui - Vol. 20 Ch. 214 - The Narrator From Hell

    "Still faster than a certain manga" Pls duwang, was this what was in the raws or are you taking the piss. funny shit