I'm a little lost on the your guys' relation one. Not sure what I'm correcting, but I see you added a period which it has. However, I fixed the Silvery Fist just now. Thanks again @knismaps
Hmm. Swordsman is singular and skelly is the only one who can become a Skeleton Swordsman. It's like saying he can become a Hunters Skeleton. Hopefully that works as an example. Working on the rest. Thanks for the feedback. @knismaps
My Group: https://mangadex.org/group/15915/omfganimal
My Profile: https://mangadex.org/user/1299951/omfganimal
Proof: https://mangadex.org/chapter/1127486
@brokenglish Nope, it's not just you. I put every chapter in 111-126 in higher res by upscaling, heavily reduced noise, etc. Glad to see it was noticed. I'll be uploading the rest soon.
@knismaps thanks for that. Fixed "goddes" and "denail"
@HazelThyme Asura scuffed it by uploading it like that. They'd just have to edit the upload. Not going to going to join the scuffed boat.