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  1. Kendama

    Cell - Ch. 61

    What could he mean by "I want food"? This is the most random ending to a chapter I've ever seen.
  2. Kendama

    Uchuu Kyoudai - Ch. 405 - Until I grab the Soyuz

    @okasakisan As far as I know (with a lot of experience uploading manga here), Mangadex has no policy forbidding the hosting of fanmade scanlations of chapters or series that have official versions. What they don't allow is the hosting of officials themselves. So you're in the clear to continue...
  3. Kendama

    No Home - Ch. 234 - Haejoon More Than Ghosts (5)

    Haejoon, apparently because he sleeps better when Miyung is nearby. And Juwan, because he's fed up with the restrictions on noise and the stuffy atmosphere of the regular dorm.
  4. Kendama

    No Home - Ch. 234 - Haejoon More Than Ghosts (5)

    Ghosts are the best! \o/ But now with Haejoon as his dorm neighbour (and in room 202 to boot), the real horror story is about to begin. Next time we see Eunyung, he'll be complaining about Haejoon to Miyung. Alas, it seems
  5. Kendama

    Island Part 2 - Ch. 33

    Unfortunately, that was the best we managed to come up with, the pun is untranslatable into English. We also thought of "Come rock up to a place that’s equally far from the rats and monkeys!", but the translator objected that the original didn't even mention zodiac animals. I proposed "Find the...
  6. Kendama

    Vigilante - Ch. 85

    I love how this webtoon is a great exercise in pot calling kettle, with the main characters repeatedly remarking how this or that one of the others is crazy. Now even Ji Sook is turning savage. The way she roasted glasses with that headline… no mercy, with a smile of pity on her face to boot...
  7. Kendama

    No Home - Ch. 232 - Haejoon More Than Ghosts (3)

    This is officially horror now, and I'm not talking about Miyung. Junji Ito and Stephen King, take notes.
  8. Kendama

    Prey - Ch. 24 - Shackles (3)

    Yes. It never hurts to emphasise that our sporadic releases are due to lack of a dedicated translator for this series. These chapters are what we can get when one of KTLs of other projects are in the mood for doing a Prey chapter. That's why we're constantly recruiting for it.
  9. Kendama

    Vigilante - Ch. 84

    Great chapter as always, but I'm a teensy bit miffed that the pastor is psychic: how could he have known that there was something wrong before even leaving the underground garage? Did god whisper it to him?
  10. Kendama

    I Can't Do That With My Former Student - Ch. 6

    I mean, you don't need to guess anything. He says it, again in chapter 2: like many boys when they hit puberty, he felt a loss of confidence in himself while coming to terms with approaching manhood, and was too ashamed to show himself before her. So he settled by waiting till he was legal to...
  11. Kendama

    I Can't Do That With My Former Student - Ch. 6

    That's what I'm trying to say, reread chapter 2. He had Osgood-Schlatter's, which is way more painful than normal growth pains.
  12. Kendama

    I Can't Do That With My Former Student - Ch. 6

    You might have missed the bit on Osgood-Schlatter disease in chapter 2. It's a worse version of growing pains, there's a wiki on it.
  13. Kendama

    No Home - Ch. 231 - Haejoon More Than Ghosts (2)

    "I fear Haejoon more than ghosts". He really looked scary during the tutoring session.
  14. Kendama

    High School Mythology - Ch. 13

    Not only is the plot in this strong, this is the most daring and ambitious deconstruction of a major religion I've seen in a webtoon. Mad respect for this author. It's a damned shame this doesn't have much attention.
  15. Kendama

    Cell - Ch. 60

    You're right, it was infuriating how he didn't keep a dose of TCM with him at all times. He won against Chaekyeong by pure luck because that dose fell off her coat. And in the very beginning, he did dumb stuff life causing that fire in the TV station, but I forgive that on account of his still...
  16. Kendama

    Cell - Ch. 60

    You know, I remember lots of people bashing the protagonist for being dumb about what to do next, not having a plan etc. Now there are no such comments anymore, and I imagine that at least part of the reason is that some of those people have lost their patience with Sangwoo and dropped the...
  17. Kendama

    Vigilante - Ch. 83

    Sun Wook, unlike Ji Yong, doesn't have neotenic eyes, so he's obviously a closet criminal.
  18. Kendama

    Vigilante - Ch. 83

    Inb4 Sun Wook is arrested as a suspect. I also wonder what Yeong-Il sees when he looks at the mirror. And lol at Gang Ok being pouty because Ji Yong won't save his number. He hasn't even noticed that Ji Yong expects him to be detained as a potential suspect when Sam Doo is arrested.
  19. Kendama

    My Student Grew Huge and Proposed to Me

    So far, I see nothing controversial here. Other than the obvious fact that he's of legal age to consent, there are several mitigating factors to their age difference: i. For starters, women in Japan live on average six years more than men - one of the largest gaps among developed countries. So...