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  1. deux

    Azumi 2 - Vol. 8 Ch. 7 - Double

    Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this.
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    Dark Angel - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The scarlet message

    I'm outta hospital so I have less time to work on manga but a chapter or two everyone once in a while shoudn't be a problem. However a chapter in Black Angel is pretty long , around 80 pages with alot of conversations , and tricky when it comes to medical terms. The Chef however have way less...
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    Id Unchained - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I never read Kurata Emi before. Keep up the good work. Thanks!
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    Aim for the Ace! - Vol. 3 Ch. 40

    Thanks for scanning classic shoujo mangas. I played the snes game in the late 90s but never got to read the manga. It's about time!
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    Harpy - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Strawberry Night Night

    Glad to see more works from Yamagishi Ryouko being localized. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this. I have 3 books of hers scanned. Let me know if you need the raws to work on something.
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    Chie the Brat - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Chapter 1: The Arrival of Chie-chan

    This series was very polular all over Asia. It's light hearted and funny. Black comedy sometimes but still very funny. I read it back in grade 4 or 5 , so my memory is vague. There's a grilled table where ppl constantly drop their snots or spits on the foods and sell it to customers. Oh and the...
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    Dark Angel - The Man Known As "Emperor" ~An M Legend~

    I haven't read much about her, but this series span over decades with over 4 seasons, spin-offs, gaidens with over 50 volumes and was printed all over Asian back in the days. I remember reading it in grade 6 or 7. So I guess it's popular enough.
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    hey shut the fuck up. Leecher. Who the fuck do you think you are.

    hey shut the fuck up. Leecher. Who the fuck do you think you are.
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    The Chef - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - La vie en Rose

    Since the chapters are pretty much independent , they're just numbers. Most characters rarely appear more than once.
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    The Chef - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - La vie en Rose

    She said after the marriage, there wasn't a single day she could forget, and wish to do the samething all over, even until now. Something along the line. So it's pretty much the same meaning. And no, I won't remember the reason behind 5,6 year old release . But those chapters have been around...
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    The Chef - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The kitchen magician (ver 2)

    Try not to drop another comment, but this is too funny and I just can't get over it. Yes, we all know that the ambassador's mother spent 5 million yen to cook him up a soup. That's why they went poor afterwards. Thanks for reminding us how over priced bay leaves are.
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    The Chef - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The kitchen magician (ver 2)

    Congratulations. You totally get the story. Guy took 5 mil to cook up 5 mil meal. To hell with the ambassador. And sure, every bay leaf is the same. You can get Indian bay leaf at local Chinese super market. So Let's leave it at that.
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    The Chef - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The kitchen magician (ver 2)

    Chef but doctor. Black chef. Chef in black. Same.
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    The Chef - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Father's Affair

    Good to know. Go ahead. Thanks.
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    The Chef - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Father's Affair

    I don't have page 35 in my set of raws, if anybody has it, I can fix.
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    Ayako - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The birth of Ayako (ver.2)

    Chapter 1 final version uploaded with more typos fixed and more accurate translation. for example: page 61 I am nothing but a burden > hindrance
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    Ayako - Vol. 2 Ch. 4 - Mask

    final version uploaded with more typos fixed and more accurate translation. for example: page 35 I feel bad for her as someone who lived on top of the world > who reached the pinnacle of life... maybe there will be a more upgraded version with english sfx , maybe not. I can't promise anything.
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    Ayako - Vol. 2 Ch. 4 - Mask

    fixed. thanks.
  19. deux

    Ayako - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The birth of Ayako (ver.2)

    this series isn't too long , with only 2 volumes and 6 chapters only.
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    Ayako - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The birth of Ayako (ver.2)

    I'll do another whole chapter tomorrow , since they're not connected , not sure which one I am going to pick. but that'll be the last chapter from me.