Knowing those were their high school days, I gotta say both of them actually look like a nice couple
And damn, this chapter is basically their peak wholesomeness
Haha, final PP juice count: 33
(Why did I say final? Cause I stated previously that I'd only count up till either: 1. They go out 2. They get married or 3. They start to actually "make out")
Haha, PP juice count: 31
(Remember, it's called "PP juice" for a reason. And yes, I counted it around per panel for this one)
(Damn, most times Manko-san has cummed & piss in a chapter)
Editor-san is pretty underrated tbh
Though oddly enough she hasn't shown any of her "skills" when it comes to doing house chores, she really needs to get her own arc sooner or later
1. Those things are basically low tier hydraulic presses
2. 12?! Was she raped or something?
3. Her daughters got jumbo sized bahangas whilst she herself has a vast, empty, but natural curve