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  1. beansbunko

    How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game - Ch. 24

    girl keeps getting herself almost murdered just cause she can't stop sleeping in his room lmao
  2. beansbunko

    Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Aspiration: Male Idol Part 7

    I do agree its getting a bit long 🤔 its a topic i particularly like so it doesn't bother me too much but i do wish male idol guy would run into sensei already. Tbh i think the author probably cares a lot about it too bc its a current issue, probably why its so much longer than all the others so far
  3. beansbunko

    I Think I Have Transmigrated Somewhere - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    This series is funny af pls continue!!!!
  4. beansbunko

    Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Aspiration: Male Idol Part 7

    people seem to be mad about this arc, but it's actually pretty closely related to real life and current events. This an actual problem in tokyo right now, news stories and police warnings come out everyday about women (including minors...) doing exactly what happened in this chapter and draining...
  5. beansbunko

    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 4 Ch. 127

    is this chapter half? I know the text says half all over it but it read like a full chapter to me
  6. beansbunko

    Takabisha Koujo wa Damattenai - Ch. 1

    This was gooood
  7. beansbunko

    The One Within the Villainess - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The One Within The Villainess

    obvs as you can see from my pfp i love this series so im glad its being picked up but why start from the start? I don't recall the original translation being bad at all
  8. beansbunko

    A World Without You. - Ch. 26

    Idk that's weird Isabella is just a kid and written like one too, she's scared and nervous and keeps needing reassurance to continue. Literally every single time she says or thinks something rude or mean she's just parroting her mother Her being punished that severely would suck, i would rather...
  9. beansbunko

    A World Without You - Vol. 1 Ch. 23

    Tbh i just wanted sienna and the redhead little girl to be friends :(
  10. beansbunko

    A World Without You. - Ch. 11

    I get shes traumatised but i don't really understand why her grand plan is to get everyone to hate her preemptively LOL She's the heroine so she'll be fine but uhhh
  11. beansbunko

    The One Within the Villainess - Vol. 4 Ch. 14 - The Start

    NOOOOOOOOOO i pray this gets picked up asap😭 thank u for ur work so far
  12. beansbunko

    Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat the Demon Lord? - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - Budding Disaster

    Thank u for translation!!! I love this manga so much but the new chapters are so far apart i keep forgetting whats happening lol
  13. beansbunko

    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 17 Ch. 149 - Blessed Rain

    I don't really understand the ppl complaining that its drawn out or they dont get it cause.... the whole manga has been like this?? All this authors manga are like this?? How have you been reading this manga for so long and somehow still think its a high action fast paced thriller? 🤔 The whole...
  14. beansbunko

    Kemono to Waltz - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Realization

    the author's note made me lol At least she's aware I only kept reading cause the pacing and tone was giving utena vibes but i wouldn't blame someone for dropping this... there is a lot of kissing and simping for a pedocatman in this manga lmao
  15. beansbunko

    Killing Morph - Vol. 4 Ch. 36

    lmao what Who the hell was the mummy woman in his hideout? Why can madoka use that power? Why can M and noriko use that power? What happened to noriko and the others? How did he not die from fatal wounds from the car but will just die of a gunshot? We will never know
  16. beansbunko

    Killing Morph - Vol. 4 Ch. 35

    Not the shadow clone jitsu I don't really get madoka's logic in all this, I know she's being set up to be a future psycho but even so why is she chilling out and hiding the guy who not only machete-ed many people to death in front of her but brutally murdered her best friends and arranged their...
  17. beansbunko

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 4 Ch. 24

    Lmao Ronia is a bit of a mary sue, she knows how to do everything and everyone loves her and she's more powerful that demons and monsters and forest gods I do like how the rival seems to be smart and talented all on her own though, and is genuinely misunderstanding rather than just being evil...
  18. beansbunko

    Shokuryou Jinrui Re: Starving Re:velation - Vol. 4 Ch. 34.1

    Whats with the huge gap between chapters???
  19. beansbunko

    Shokei Shoujo no Ikiru Michi - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - Ch.19

    i am so confused lmao 😭 what the hell are they talking abt