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    A Bittersweet Couple - Ch. 7

    @Mymin6226 It could be the girl who screamed but she was surprised tho. At first I thought like you but more I think about it more it seems strange ahaha
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    Sultan's Love - Ch. 9

    If Saye end up being way too naive it will just become annoying tbh
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    I'm in Love with the Villainess - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Days as a Maid

    @skilodracus So you are fully aware that it's a spoiler but still post it so that everyone can see it? I really don't get it...
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    I Am the Real One - Vol. 1 Ch. 28

    I did felt bad for the father then I remembered that he beheaded his own daughter lol
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    Sesame Salt and Pudding - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Chapter 13

    @BCS I mean Hibiki shouldn't have a say in who she is seeing in the first place and reacts the way he does only because he wants her to be with him instead of the other guy when the father is her father (obviously) and reacts the way he does because he is worried for her so the difference in...
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    Best Friends - Ch. 3

    @thesupremextream Oh ok...But how does the male omega ovulate since from what I understood they keep their male organs? Since they can ovulate they can be pregnant? And like where does the male and female alpha put the semen in the male omega? Not the genre of question I thought I would ever...
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    Insomniacs After School - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - Daybreak's First Star - Pleiades Star Cluster

    I don't know just how much wishful thinking it is of my part but I always felt like she won't die in the end and I still kinda think that but that doesn't stop me from seeing deathflags in every chapters. Really hope it's just a bait...
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    Let's Do It Already! - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    Please just disappear already....
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    Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Big Sis Star - Virgo, Spica

    @aomine_daiki Isn't she just surprised she told him that? I personally don't feel like they are hiding that she still has major health issues or something like that. Especially since she was also using the past when speaking of how she was feeble when she was a kid and how their parents stayed...
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    Sesame Salt and Pudding - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Chapter 11

    This guy manage to be more detestable every chapter he appears in. Like he is a douche then we feel like he understood but then he becomes a douche lvl2 then we feel like he understood again but then he becomes a douche lvl100+
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    She's My Type - Ch. 25

    Isn't the president with the Vice President or something like that? It's what I think ever since they introduced both of them since there is often some reference to there relationship but it is never really explained... And also the did the bully went for the drunk girl...? At least it's what...
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    She's My Type - Ch. 24

    At this point it would be easier if they just go for the yuri route
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    I can't be the only one that don't get what the hell is going on right?
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    For Better or For Worse - Ch. 12

    People saying 'we are in for a frustrating ride' and stuff like that are nearly as annoying as people outright spoiling people imo and there are quite a few here it seems
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    Best Friends - Ch. 3

    @thesupremextream In the first chapter they say that alpha can have an erection and ejaculate regardless of sex so I think @91199535164911 is right
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    A Villainess No More - Ch. 38

    @Vannie All the chapters are really short tbh
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    Let's Do It Already! - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

    @Dioss Thank you for the spoiler !! [/spoiler]
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    Sultan's Love

    @aeget In the chapter's settings you have to choose "single" and not "long strip" in the "page rendering" section so that there isn't any cut part.
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    The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Vol. 1 Ch. 25

    Wait... where did that RPG bs comes from exactly? Was there something like already and I missed it or did it just appeared out of nowhere?
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    Bowblade Spirit - Ch. 29

    The pacing is still as bad as ever and the whole structure of this manhwa seems so nonsensical to me...