@MeremS you say that about comments affecting authors, but how many times have the Japanese fans comments (the ones authors actually see) had such an impact parts of a story made a 180? Happened just a few months ago with Takamine-san to name one
@spdong Yeah ended up poking through the last two(ish) chapters after I originally commented. Was nice to see more characterisation given to Diva, but it didn't really change anything event our outcome-wise I hated in the anime so rip
Good to see some of the other girls get more characterization, though of course it's also gotta take the dumb hit of yuri teacher force-in
And @Sanctimonious_Locke you're right, but I guess on the flipside you could also say the others were taking a stance of not doing something just because...
I mean good ending but why does it feel like we were missing like four or five chapters between last and now? Even with the timeskip it just feels hella rushed
@Chizan Hyena part wasn't really funny save the bunny aftermath, at least to me, and for yuri I just hate it if it's not like straight up a yuri series from the get go. Even then it's hit or miss, but with this way it always feels either unbelievably forced for ecchi add-ins like this or write...