Some of the place names looked... kinda familiar, so i looked them up:
Baden Lake -> Bodensee, aka Lake Constance
Dukedom of Ostrea -> Duchy of Austria
Bragenz/Bragnatz -> Bregenz, Austria
Can't figure out what "Golfsdorf" or "Portand" correspond to IRL tho
@imtrash5 - hmm.... i think the "guerrilla" that Kawasegawa Eiko was talking about is referring to this:
"Guerrilla filmmaking refers to a form of independent filmmaking characterized by low budgets, skeleton crews, and simple props using...
@Kiriha - "sake" can mean "alcoholic beverage (in general)" or "alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice", depending on context
and yup, a large (green) bottle with Daiginjō (大吟醸) on the label? most certainly the latter
no idea why the translator went with "beer" though /shrug
As an actual person from Southeast Asia, I can attest that acar (pronounced ah-char, btw) is indeed very tasty. We usually make it preeetty spicy though, so beware if you come across the real deal :)
Ok, i *had* to google it:
Oni Lemon is the one on the bottom left that's 9% abv 🧐
@sylvacoer - well, turning previously not-considered-fit-for-human-consumption paru lees into delicious pancakes that people will gladly eat, i think that's pretty helpful, no?