I mean, even if Thorfinn hadn't kill her dad, he would have been killed anyways, her too. He gave him a quick death, and saved her life
I guess you could ressent for that person, but... I mean..
@YumoYumo thorfinn sucks because he didn't get any character developpement, he followed the story, but till this point, was never it's main character, he will from now on.
My man is flexing ahah. I like it.
It's not a great manga, but hey, it entertains me. That's all i ask from the things i read.
Sure, it's not going to make me think about philosophic topics but hey, it's fine :)
Why do people assume being fat means being ugly?
I've seen some people being really attractive while been overweight. Be it girls or guys.
Also, every persons got a charm of their own.
I'm not racist, i wasn't happy with the colour change because i think she's prettier with her dark skin.
So i'm happy that she'll remain the way she was :)
She was prettier with her dark skin :'(
Also i kind of get why she reacted like that to her parents, but i think it was a really dumb decision.
Obviously, you can't always keep your emotions in check, so maybe she didn't intend to react like this but did anyways.
Hope it wont bring her harm...
@twinklecake I think that it's been stated some chapters ago : People with the blessings of kings spirits cannot use magic themselves. Basically, their spirit kings are Pokemon to them. They tell them to do their biding for them.
It's what i've got from the explanation they gave us. Not a fan...
Not a HUGE fan of the unecessary fan service (bath scene) but the rest was pretty good. The fight scenes are cool looking. It's entertaining.
Dude's crazy though :p