...this was the stupidest ending to an overall mediocre series with great artstyle...
Dear god I pity those kids, bunch of irresponsible idiots for parents.
So wait, they didn't really do it because she wasn't in human form?
More like tried and couldn't, because biology isn't very compatible.
TIL getting a divorce from someone you grew to hate is "running away" and frowned upon.
The fuck's wrong with you, author.
Ehh, still 5 more chapters...
So basically they'll be meeting once a year or so to bang.
Whaaat a relationship... ehh and it started out so promising. What is even the point of him leaving now? Other than ruining the nice relationship they had going.
She's basically using Undershirt + Grass Style + Grass Field from Megaman Battle Network.
The most cheesed strategy that will literally protect you against EVERYTHING as long as you don't get hit twice in a second while at 1 hp.
Because tampons aren't meant to hold that much liquid. They're designed to absorb and retain, without staining the underwear or pants, small amounts of liquid. Also, she probably does use 'em already considering her age.
Also, mfw people think series would end if they got together
Happy couples can still tease each other, and I bet Nagatoro would just get more sadistic once she knew he'd stick with her through thick and thin.
jk I do wonder about the series' chaotic release schedule though.
I tried reading it and it is how the note said - it's a bunch of nonsense, written in one long sentence, with no relation to manga. You might as well insert a copypasta about NAVY seals or...
Nice ending, a bit rushed though. Shame there was no "bridge" between this series and the sequel, as a more fleshed out relationship and less drama-driven conclusion would've been nice. It seems like the author literally decided 2-3 chapters before end to get them together and thus it lacked...