What ungrateful fucks. How the fuck are you going to immediately turn on your saviours? If anything you think they would try to team up with these people who are obviously stronger than them and learn from them, but nope.
So the dark hero saved the kingdom and with his support it was rebuilt, and the people pushed him away and kicked him out and suddenly without his support things started to go to shit, and the people in power went "ugh yea he cursed us! hes evil, y-yeah thats it!" Then things only started to get...
Wasn't the MC saved by a female demon when he was a child and he saw or more accurately acquired the sword? (wish I could check but chapter 1 and 2 are missing now) Was it was Vanessa? Is she effectively his mother? (of what he is now)
didn't he say that he maxed out all classes when it was still a game? His character classes didn't split off and become independent did they? Is this going to turn into him reclaiming parts of his soul and grow stronger as he does? but would be kinda funny if hes both the hero and the demon lord...
Oh so for once it seems the priest is going to be a good guy nice. Also guessing slaying the Wyvern is his ticket to meeting this amazing lord we keep hearing about.
Hmm I'm thinking the MC is more or less going to become Yurival, the question is whether he gets stuck in his body or does Yurival purchase more of his services thinking no way he can carry on the role MC secured?