It’s funny how Lina (who I’m pretty isn’t really in these volumes) is in the profile pic. In a shipping route I see as Lina being the type of person to come back years after the series with a genetic child of tat
Does anyone know how to fix those images that’s failed to load. (Right when she starts telling the maid off for never feeding her properly). The comments don’t really mention it, is it a Europe thing or some other local device reason why it’s not a prob for everyone?
Nevermind @ Marayla got the...
Wouldn’t it be really funny if they faked doing the exam and then just didn’t turn up. That’s “fake” dad guy would be really confused the other family would know what’s going on! Loads of lols all round
Bro yuri be give an annual discount of 5 milly, but the writing is on the wall for this he dies and mc gets his own support mage. He’s got his healer, attack mage, knight (dps), knight (tank). Plus bu!