Search results for query: userscript

  1. FireFish5000


    lol, I am not alone after all!
  2. Plykiya

    Autocomplete + Suggested @'s

    You'd probably be interested in this userscript:
  3. Jendrej

    Anilist links?

    I’m all for introducing this, but for now you can use an userscript: There is also one that links to AniList from MAL:
  4. V

    Combating Misinformation: Official Statement

    ...probably more frequent than removal by scanlator request, everyone here already has high-resolution alternatives, and, besides, a simple userscript could turn a 5-second search into a button-click. There is also the giant MangaUpdates button, so even if the comment thread doesn't tell you...
  5. F

    Is there any comic book reader out there with webtoon/long strip support?

    ...Thanks for the response but I already use FMD and HakuNeko, I'm just looking for a reader that actually works without 5000 different compromises. Unfortunately I think I'd have to learn to code and literally code myself one by the looks of it. And the userscript on there doesn't work with CBZs.
  6. R

    Is there any comic book reader out there with webtoon/long strip support?

    I've been using this for years It's a userscript for browser, so you need script manager such as Tampermonkey or similar add-on to make it works. If what you want is to generate pdf you might want to use it's support other...
  7. MadeOfMagicAndWires

    Fullscreen Reader and link back to Homepage

    ...Fire it up in Scratchpad or Web Console on any chapter page to try it out. Because it's very bare bones it's currently not really a workable solution, even as a userscript. Vertical scrolling with the keys currently does not work and I don't have a lot of time to go through as to why this is.
  8. Zephyrus

    Mangadex Post Autocomplete Userscript

    @firefish5000 It's actually been suggested! I've talked to @rdn about implementing something very similar to your userscript. It's on a list that the devs are working off of, but it's fairly low priority. When the time comes, would you be ok with us using this userscript as a foundation if we...
  9. 308090b

    any option to stretch

    of course it makes it look SLIGHTLY worse but why wouldnt you make it an option ? also it doesnt look worse if you dont wanna read a page at half the screen size sometimes. This site has to be the only site that doesnt work with webcomicreader userscript 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
  10. FireFish5000

    Autocomplete + Suggested @'s

    @MooPoint My published userscript is currently broken by the latest site update. I will polish up and publish a new version latter today. Fixed! Took a while since I was busy writing and abstracting away a settings UI builder, and was already in the middle of moving to at.js library before the...
  11. FireFish5000

    Please put a Reply or Like Comment function.

    @UnknownSaint111 Until then, you could try the userscript mentioned here -> to make typing it a little easier. Should work for most desktop browsers and firefox android. Additionally, while its not perfect by any means, you may like...
  12. Teasday

    New Mod Tools, Brief Cloudflare Status Update

    Technically I use sub for my quotes, not sup. By the way, I have a userscript for my quote button, which I haven't implemented it on the site yet because it doesn't actually work perfectly and I don't want people complaining about a half-finished feature. There's some stuff us devs need to...
  13. FireFish5000

    Eh... Did I break the CSS?

    If you apply that to what I had done, they you can takover all but the left side of the page (where avatars are) and the nav bar at the top. From my tests, I don't think its possible. But, If anyone know a way to make the text expand leftwards. Then we have the ability to do a complete thread...
  14. tokeimiluka10230

    Methods to download manga from Mangadex? only. If you’re just browsing on chrome and want to download while you read, with tampermonkey extension and the manga-loader userscript ; there’s an options to download as .zip automatically when reading each chapters. Another way is to extract the manga chapter list page links ( i...
  15. FireFish5000

    High Quality Covers from bookwalker.

    ...but it does quite a bit more. If you think something else is needed, tell me and ill try to add it in. If anyone gets curious, look at Userscript version for the source since the bookmarklet is minified. Note: If you just want to run this once, you can paste the code into the browser console...
  16. FireFish5000

    Nested Formatting Bugs? Problem Solved?! (eg. spoiler/center/left/right)

    ...what .innerHTML was afterwards did NOT match. A quick google then led me to this conclusion. Omitting ~3 months gap between post preview userscript version, and several hrs of debugging just this issue from analysis steps to make myself look intelligent. That said, I have had like... 2hrs of...
  17. FireFish5000

    Tap ‘failed to load’ notice to attempt to reload image :planned:

    Been thinking that should be a feature for a while. When the ddos started, I considered making a userscript to do that, but didn't since there wasn't much problem during my primary reading times. When it did happen (~once per 2 chapters for me) I would duplicate the img container div above it...
  18. S

    Logic tracking current page and auto scrolling breaks in many cases

    ...If there was just the issue of going one image back, I would have perhaps only cursed in my heart (sorry, its a reflex), at most written a userscript and would never invest so much time writing, experimenting and correcting my observations in this topic. You are a dev, you understand how most...
  19. Teasday

    New affiliate, MangaPlus support, infrastructure upgrades and supporter features!

    ...and M+ would get plenty of reasons and precedence to start breathing lawsuits down our necks if they wanted to. If someone wants to write userscripts or whatever to do this unofficially, be my guest, although I apologize in advance for the state of the reader currently. On our part, doing...
  20. FireFish5000

    Mangadex Post Autocomplete Userscript

    ...butterfly will find this useful. Note, it also works on Firefox for android! Not great yet, but better than typing it all out. There is no UserScript Manager for popular browsers on iPhone that I know of, so it is unsupported. Hoping I can get some people interested in this (UserScript users...