My bet is on dad having enough dirt and literally knowing where a lot of the bodies are buried so all the politicians or at least the ones with enough clout keep him around out of fear and probably to use him in the future
This manga is a dumpster fire and i can't honestly say that the correct translation is better or works better than the meme translation because it is the voice of all us degenerates who consume this trash
Good job fuestes great improvements over the chapters much better English translations and grammar keep up the good work
On another note can't wait for the trainwreck of a wedding arc where just about everything goes wrong but they still pull it off
I like how we all pretty much know what is most likely going to happen but when they up and don't revive her just to surprise us and maybe mess with us
Alrighty then since they suicidal to the point verging on red army levels of not one step back let's get the heavy artillery out and make it rain harder than it did in verdun