My heart aches at how scared Alicia is but please guide her Clovis 😭🙌 morever show more that you intend to follow her aaack
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays EJ!!
Thank you for updating series 💗
It’s alright! Hope in a way you guys managed to find some rest days too 🌸
Aa thank you for two chapters in a day!
Konoha’s really reaaaaally delicate that even for a scratch, her knight in shining armor and the butler just nyooms to her 🤣
But it does make me think if the world is still just a story or it can have a life on it’s own one way or another.
Huh I thought that the og story from the novel did end here (I think I saw someone mentioned it on some past chapters) but it's getting a 2nd vol? Hooooo
Was it supposedly be rushed like this? The ending just sped up 😂
Also-- was this sniped? They have the same credits as Bubble tea scans-
Is the page working for you all?
I keep getting errors on this chapter :((
My connection seems fine
But the webpage is crashing whenever I open this chapter
im so excited to see this again
I literally had to reread the whole series to just get here again aaaa <3
Thank you thank you
It’s so weird that that she would act this way even after playing the game. You can’t force your way on a path you think you like and expect the same outcome from the game.
This reminds me of people who hated to bounce around answers on routes on either rpgs/vns..
Girl must have thought being...
Usually mangas like this whould’ve had an editor.
What in the world is the editor thinking to go around the pacing like this lol.
I’d rather see Leon and MC and possible the Shirayuki(?) guy hhh
But thank you for the translation!