yall be soft to our eru lmao 😆 this is prolly the first time he actually cares for someone (romantically but he’s still in denial phase lololol)
he’s definitely v conflicted between wanting to keep her around but also v disappointed in himself that he’s unable to protect her considering he is...
i know i know i know, dion’s beyond salvation but can i just say,,, i jus wanna be dion’s bitch 😳
nway, thanks so much for the massive updates, and now we wait for the chapters to trinkle
Just finished reading all the available chapters in the (web)novel in one sitting because I AM HOOKED with this manga and I was desperate. (This is still ongoing lmfao)
I am looking forward with so much love for our main couple and for the other upcoming side characters...
lmfao he’s the perfect recipe kinda thing, yknow with all the, “revenge issa part of the process, have to keep living after all this” all goody goody morality or whatever.
this is a really nice read but quite simple