I'm expecting this to be rejected because that will overload the site too much, like there's a bunch more words in the desc than in the title. Maybe I'm wrong, but they said that the search menu is the most buggiest feature in this site
What a cliche conclusion(guessing because it's more of a drama than a sci-fi) but I'll take it. No explanation, just good ol sudden rememberance, but still good.
And I think having an END chapter indicates that the story is more or less completed, the one that some readers want because they really can't stand the wait for the chapters every week that has a potential of translators dropping it.
Yeah I've been expecting it to be more or less a techincal issue. Bit of a shame though like, a lot of readers only read completed ones and too bad we can't really filter it. Though my suggestion is that you do it but for english translation only, because I'm guessing majority of the readers in...
For the ones that have an END chapter in it. The completed filter there still shows non completed/fully translated mangas, or atleast in my language. If there's one already can you please tell me where it is?