That last page is so hilarious LMAO
This manga has been one glorious trainwreck. Thank you ALONESCAN for the hard work!
Hoping to see the MC finally get it on with the childhood friend in the final chapter.
Normal summon Aleister and hard draw/open limited Branded Fusion.
What a chad. Truly a world champion even if his deck building skill is completely ass.
That rumored metal girl has to actually be a good person, otherwise no way he gets out of this alive.
...or may be he gets captured and turned into a mutant cyborg like Kamen Rider?
This manga is such a slow burn. I'm really enjoying how Yamaguchi-sensei is taking his time setting things up.
Can't wait for the confrontation between Jissouji's group and the super villains.
Assuming it all goes well and Airi is actually saved then Hiro will genuinely go from a monster to a hero. But who will save him? What Airi is doing to him is quite frankly, disgusting and monstrous as well...
Thanks for the chapter!
Shouma pulled the trigger on Zeus a bit too early right? It's a Quick Effect so I feel like he could've waited a bit and forced Strong to commit more resources before nuking the board
Thanks for the chapter!
I've been a fan of Lovecraftian stuff since playing the 1st Persona game back in the day and I think this was a pretty damn good adaption. The art especially was absolutely gorgeous! Loved the last few spreads.