Captain Asshole: I am SO powerful. noone can defeat me!
gets fried like hell
he should consider himself lucky that they didn't decide to outright KILL him... they could have done that easily at any time.
please let the next update be the defeat of the goblin king. i will be damn angry if he got ANOTHER powerful weapon somewhere.
then i hope he gets his neck snapped and his body crushed
He looks somehow pleased to find good people but must also be saddened that there are SO few. but that he already knew before he started on his revenge tour.
Well the merchant is not clever at all. it is an EXTREME dangerous thing to do to travel without headstrong adventures.
he simply is asking for orcs and monsters to attack him... and forcing him to watch Fox new or worse. shuddders
Why are gods ALWAYS useless against these in most manga/anime/western medie?
they LITERALLY created worlds and perhaps the multiverses... and yet. "that one? i can't do a squat about."
even he admitted he could erase the WORLD? he can do the same on the black smoke without destroying world.
where is the plot going? it gets a wee more confusing. before it was rather forward and easy to follow.
Now? it is clustering up. i do hope the writer does clear it up.
Could be that the noble also is damn worried about the animals. he just is BAD to express his feeling.
Not every single noble is pure evil that devours children's candy in front of them. NOMNOMNOM WHILE THE CHILDREN ARE CRYING!
could be funny all they did was just summon the very thing they want to kill... Raoul himself.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am Raoul at your disservice."
the city one. damn. but as someone did say... hopefully not everyone was a greedy prick. but i think only 10 tops and they might not all...