Bruh where was Genghis Khan, King Arthur, Spartacus and other assorted Fate heroes?
This is definitely biased towards Japanese heroes. Still gonna read but there could've balanced this out more.
This female MC is pretty annoying and the male MC isn't that much better either. The setting and plot isn't all that original but the art is somewhat nice to look at. Idk this dynamic just seems really repetitive. Of course, there's development but it's real slow.
This is actually pretty good. I would've preffered if he just disposed of that trash but that's just me. I don't think Lou is the kind of person who would kill.
@highsky15 Yeah I'm wondering if there's going to be a built civilisation like cities or any greenery at all. And also what the deal is with the military after our 2 main characters.
She wasn't humbled at all despite her and her servants (?) all getting wiped. Should be a forgettable character but I suspect the mangaka is going to do something with her.