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  1. Roler

    Metadata related userscripts and bookmarklets

    Never wrote a thread here, since most scripts are primarily intended for Contributors (metadata editing), but since I recently wrote myself another bad userscript for MangaDex that's intended more at readers (still related to metadata tho), why not make a thread. Userscripts Bookmarklets
  2. Roler

    Being logged out at random durations [Firefox behaviour]

    It's the authentication method MangaDex uses for security and possibly for performance reasons. MangaDex uses OAuth 2 with short-lived access tokens (15 minutes) and long-lived refresh tokens (90 days). Access tokens are sent to every request to the API that needs auth, while refresh tokens are...
  3. Roler

    Being logged out at random durations [Firefox behaviour]

    I use Firefox too but don't have any issues, except if I leave the mangadex tab open while the PC is asleep, because the access token doesn't refresh while the PC is asleep, but that is easily solved by just reloading the page which forces a refresh. Note: in the browser console, if you have...
  4. Roler

    [Website] When looking at Listings of Mangas, series should be highlighted if Bookmarked

    currently only one fetch request is required to fetch all manga uuids in library, so it doesn't really affect it. That probably won't be the case when new custom lists come out tho. see...
  5. Roler

    [EN] Cover Ripping in High Quality

    Similar to the old BookWalker method (but easier) for newer books: Open the book page: Find the "twitter:image" HTML metadata element (open devtools and search the page's HTML): <meta name="twitter:image"...
  6. Roler

    People changing content rating or adding false content tags? [Resolved]

    Reporting does not require title editing permissions. Yes, rules are meant to be followed and mods have the final say. Visibility, popularity, and hype have nothing to do with adding correct information enforced by the site rules. If that is the consequence, then it'll continue to be. Just by...
  7. Roler

    People changing content rating or adding false content tags? [Resolved]

    Reporting a title for incorrect information still stands, but make sure to read the website rules first and make sure to provide a detailed report with sources. If your report was accepted but the incorrect information is back, you can repeat the report and mention that it was added back. It'll...
  8. Roler

    People changing content rating or adding false content tags? [Resolved]

    Erotica is currently searchable by default and doesn't need any login on MangaDex, it's only excluded from Popular New Titles (if you don't have porn enabled). I don't see how anyone is taking the haters side here, it's just about marking things correctly. Yeah, but content warnings usually...
  9. Roler

    Accessibility - Page Progression - Always Reader's Choice [Rejected]

    btw here is the suggestion for that:
  10. Roler

    "support us" popup shouldn't reset daily

    Tbh, that might not be a bad thing if it happens, since the biggest reason why the site resorted to this is because of a very large sudden increase in traffic (mostly due to Google Search changes), but it doesn't seem to be happening, in fact, users still seem to be increasing...
  11. Roler

    custom categories

    Already planned in the Library rework (CustomList v2) Probably still one of the top priority bigger updates, but it is currently removed from the dev environment
  12. Roler

    Star ratings

    You seem to not understand why Bayesian average is used in the first place. Bayesian average has little to no impact on titles that are rated enough, and a lot of titles there are rated enough (their averages and Bayesian averages are really close to each other). Changing it to 5 would not...
  13. Roler

    Star ratings

    You seem to be confusing two different averages: the "average" when you (one user) rate a title, is there to guide you to pick 5 if you think the title is average. while the "average" used for the Bayesian calculation is the average of all titles on the site, meant to represent all users. The...
  14. Roler

    Star ratings

    Yes, it's basically the average rating. also
  15. Roler

    Star ratings

    MangaDex mainly uses Bayesian average, so the initial rating is based on the average rating of all titles on the site. If a few people rate a title 1 or 10, it won't automatically become 1 or 10, but it'll increase or decrease the more people rate it.
  16. Roler

    Cancel subscription

    just click on the profile icon -> Subscriptions (should be there)
  17. Roler

    First time created title need to wait for how long to be approve

    Everything is written on the drafts page: Also, it's not just the first title, if they don't have any of those roles, all of their title submissions are queued for manual inspection.
  18. Roler

    Twitter Media Embed Not Always Working

    I tested the same links in Discord and they're broken there too, so they're probably just broken on Twitter/X's side. P.S. random Twitter/X embeds being broken is not uncommon, that's why, etc exist, but they're unfortunately not officially...
  19. Roler

    MangaDex Mobile App? [See staff response]

    Since you already use Mihon/Tachiyomi I would recommend Neko but there's also the PWA.