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  1. bakasennin

    Tabi - Vol. 1 Ch. 13 - Toki's Journey

    We will :thumbsup:
  2. bakasennin

    Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - The Bitterness of Youth

    Love in shoujo manga: flowers and bubbles in the background Love in josei manga: kid farts in the background
  3. bakasennin

    The Room of Mona Lisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.1 - The Room of Mona Lisa (1)

    I already love the drama and tragedy this story promises. Thank you!
  4. bakasennin

    High Teen Boogie - Vol. 9 Ch. 67

    I lost it at the "btw, this is cyanide" part 🤣
  5. bakasennin

    High Teen Boogie - Vol. 8 Ch. 66

    Aaaah, that last panel! Good cliffhanger!
  6. bakasennin

    Tenmaku no Jaadugar - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    This cliffhanger!
  7. bakasennin

    Dance Dance Danseur - Vol. 12 Ch. 110

    I like how this manga focuses on ballet is not only about having talent and being pretty, but is about money. Manga does not often focus on this aspect, and has people follow their dreams without dwelling on how they get the necessary equipment/support. Thank you for the reality check, Hibiki.
  8. bakasennin

    Diamond ❤ Godzillan - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Nocturne

    I can tell that she had fun drawing this story. I liked how random and high tempo Kihara's comedy is.
  9. bakasennin

    Diamond ❤ Godzillan - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Green Elliot

    Unhappy romance is my favorite genre. Thank you for this story!
  10. bakasennin

    Looking for an Idol - Vol. 8 Ch. 58 - Last chance at goodbye

    Awww, this chapter was full of feelings. I just love how "corny 80s" this manga feels, but makes it work. I wasn't even alive when this manga was written, and my knowledge of the period comes from work that often parody the 80s. So, reading an authentic work from that period has been a great...
  11. bakasennin

    Mosaic Spiral - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - The Girl at the Temple

    I like this kind of paneling. Thank you for both scanlations!
  12. bakasennin

    Between Us - Lun Lun Yamamoto Short Stories - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Miss Schwartz is in Despair

    True, this really reminds me of that Yamagishi story! Thank you again for splitting this with us.
  13. bakasennin

    Kanda Gokura-chou Shokunin-Banashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Swordsmith

    What a beautiful story! And thank you immensely for your notes at the end. I become a much more cultured person after every release of yours. I really loved the symbolism with 椿. I would have never paid attention to that kanji, nor made the connection myself.
  14. bakasennin

    Sexy Tanaka-san

    This shouldn't be happening ;_; I often joked that I would never be able to catch up with Tanaka-san, but now I'll forever wish that she was alive and I was always 5 volumes behind. I hope's she's free from whatever's been weighing her down now. 😢
  15. bakasennin

    Fami-res Iko.

    I love you, junontakeo team. I love you.
  16. bakasennin

    Saint Rosalind - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Thank you for the enjoyable ride, LSD. I loved this story, and how the artist didn't go for a last-minute happy ending.
  17. bakasennin


    Yes, we are buying them off Bookwalker (y)