This isn't a snipe. These scanlated chapters were originally released on Twitter as the original Japense Tweets came out. They are are now uploaded here for easier browsing. Player1_Please is okay with this and the leader of Ecchi No Doujinshi Scans, @luigiymario2, is okay with it too.
The series is already simulpubbed on K MANGA. So, the officials are already caught up and have been for months. The scanlated chapters are going nowhere.
Broskis, Kodansha is already on volume 5 with 6 coming out soon. Scanlations are at 3. If you can't afford to buy the volumes I'm sure you can find rips of them somewhere.
Edit: First official English volume came out on July 4, 2023.
A mod asked in the MD Discord for someone to make an "Official Colored" title to hold this chapter. I made it and now this chapter is there.
Okay I checked the raws and found out the current chapter numbering/order follows the one on Pixiv. However in the volume release, chapters 54-56 were placed before chapters 52 and 53. However I don't think the chapter placement in the volume makes sense. I've read it in the order the volume...
No they didn't and I didn't ask because the group they upload to for this series, komi-scan wa komyushou desu, says "The now defunct komi-scan wa komyushou desu." in their group description. But you're the second person to ask (another did on Reddit) so I'll ask them.
Just a little note, these chapters were scanlated and originally posted on Reddit almost 6 months ago. I recently got permission from the scanlator to upload them here on his behalf.
I wonder where that woman in the credits page comes from. :pepehmm: I'll go ask the scanlator.
Edit: I didn't find anything when I used Google Lens and SauceNAO.
Heads up, there's Fanbox extras for this series. @Sino_TM started scanlating them. I don't think I can link it so here's how to find it: with porn enabled, search up Uchi no Meido wa Naka ga Warui or check out the related tab for this manga.