YOOOOOOOOOOO, This is good. if the twist is heading where I think it is am totes on board. Everyone will get a happy ending and it doesnt even feel half assed it just makes sense. Even if it doesnt turn out how I think it still followed cliched tropes and i dont really have a problem with that...
I wont step into the landmine that is this revelation but I will say this. I actually prefered her with darker skin. It feels weird to see her without it. THANK GOD. Im so glad she just up and denied them. Its insulting to even read it. Too Little Too Late could not more accurately convey what I...
So, the little boys future is quite obvious and cliched. Howevver is it just me or did the confession feel out of nowhere. I mean i wont complain but still.
I like how this is progressing but Im thinking that the flash forward at the start is the end game. Meaning well have to suffer until this series end :c Not even the satisfaction of foiling peoples plans ugh. Still I ship Heinly and Empress so much >.< Ty for chapter
@Heenimakira This is probably my fault but you should probably spoiler tag a reply to a spoiler comment. With a little bit of context clues one can infer the original spoiler comment from yours xD
:D A new chapter :D Also I cant stomach the anime because of cringe but I can read the manga. Idk if im weird or what but glad to see this getting continued. Ty for the upload.
Ahhhh I always feel torn. On one hand ya support the author but on the other, the official release is always behind by at least 5 chapters. Hopefully its not too far back. Anyhow thanks for the work up until now c:
There better be a good explanation for his survival or I will call massive bullshit. This was going so well I would have even been ok with it being the shadow organization ro something.
Hopefully we get a better image of the destruction next chapter because scale wise its a bit hard to tell. Dont know if the scans are lower rez or wif its the actual manga pages but everything felt a bit blurry/messy. Anyhow I do like how mc just doesnt fucking care and is sick of being toyed...
@beattreat I wont defend the writing, however I do think the concept is solid. It makes sense and I can buy that he attempted to live as tim but the constant reminder and praise of his death made him even more bitter and resentful over the years to the point that he snapped. I actually quite...
So I take it the uncle killed her mother and blamed it on Hairo who he assumed was an assassin. However since that was years ago (unspecified) and MC said its what he used to be called, we can infer that the Uncle misunderstood who or what Hairo really was ? I take it there was never a copycat...
Considering the fahter is skilled and doesnt show active disdain towards MC, I can assume he understands that MC is different and isnt actually using magic. Especially considering how he looks at them when their lying.
Alright, I havent read past the scene where he stairs at her breasts but arent they like children ? Im quite numb to these types of chars but it is annoying me that shes developed for her age . . . .
I love this one xD. Also as the person below said, I really love when characters either cant acknowledge the fact that their new world isnt just a game or when the character transported has a pseudo filter on the world. It either adds great drama or makes it outlandishly fun like this one.