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  1. YosepRA

    Land of the Lustrous - Ch. 90 - Devastation

    Will there be a day when Phos heartily smiled just like how it used to be..? This is madness. But I don't dislike it even a bit.
  2. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 14 Ch. 117 - The Girlfriend, and the Director

    Hey, I know that I don't go out a lot, but damn... Are people really that creepy when they see cute girls in public? If it's their inner thought, then it's probable.
  3. YosepRA

    Rent-A-Girlfriend - Vol. 14 Ch. 113 - The Girlfriend, and the Neighbour 4

    Don't resist, my friend. Let it flow... And the crowdfunding seems to go well too. A bit surprising because what was put in there is just "I want to achieve my dream" without a gist about what they're going to make (maybe there is). Or maybe it's the power of cute pics and that shows how much...
  4. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 13 Ch. 112 - The Girlfriend, and him

    Do crowdfunding sites have comments section? If so, then I see Mami dropping an A-bomb.
  5. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 13 Ch. 107 - The Girlfriend, and Room 203

    Just buy the freakin' camera necessities aside from the camera body and lenses. And you even pay for the battery? I thought they will make a short movie here, but damn, it's a full 60-90 mins movie. What worse is a month deadline. Okay, that deadline alone is ridiculous so they're likely to not...
  6. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 12 Ch. 101 - The Girlfriend, Mizuhara Chizuru 3

    God freakin' damn it, the ninja just smashed an onion ball right to my eyesss!! For those who can't feel anything from the chapter, how depressed can you be to be so heartless?
  7. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 12 Ch. 100 - The Girlfriend, Mizuhara Chizuru 2

    I know it once the grandpa said "I'll give you a lift with my taxi". MY taxi, therefore he's a taxi driver. And what is the risk of such occupation? MOTHERFUCKING TRUCK-KUN!!!!!
  8. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 12 Ch. 98 - What I can do with my Girlfriend 7

    She can't win, She can't win, She can't win... Imma lay down and cry.
  9. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 12 Ch. 96 - What I can do with my Girlfriend 5

    What a deaf-cuck, booooooo! And that lewd wound sip though... which probably shouldn't be done in real world, but still, very lewd indeed.
  10. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 12 Ch. 95 - What I can do with my Girlfriend 4

    No, no! Do not board to the shithole of a relationship with this guy. Keep Sumi pure and world peace is all assured.
  11. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 93 - What I can do with my Girlfriend 2

    "I want to please you..." Oh shiet (fantasizing intensifies)..!!
  12. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 91 - The Girlfriend and the Time Limit 2

    That's going to be a freaking complicated marriage.
  13. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 90 - The Girlfriend and the Time Limit

    Yes, do not let the plot moves forward.
  14. YosepRA

    Chihayafuru - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    I've finished season 3 and I'm picking the manga from the start. I truly forgot how much of a jerk Taichi was, haha.
  15. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 89 - The Girlfriend, Visiting the Parents, and Kiss 7

    What a pushy family, eh? Again, we all can tell that every time Kazuya is getting any development, the cuck will always comes knocking your front door. I don't know why people keep on reading (buying) this. Hell, I don't even know why I allow myself to read this. As I flip the pages, I really...
  16. YosepRA

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 87 - The Girlfriend, Visiting the Parents, and Kiss 5

    I see why many people thinks that Ruka is a troublemaker, which is somewhat true in all honesty. But think again, Kazuya always runs from his problems. He can always choose a way to settle everything starting from the rental situation. With that done you can face Ruka. And finally, maybe you can...