@Gianoria Well I'm glad the author disnt take it too far I really can't stand this kind of stuff especially when its the protag one and only family in his entire 3 lives. I think the author beside a M he is also a S. If internet can transfer my punch.
@bobios2 Yeah, we all know the WN that...
@Gianoria even arifureta didnt go this far. Clearly the author a huge M.
@ForcedFun doubt it, not many WN/LN adaptation get its story to go so far for it to reach half of the story when its adapted to manga. At least I haven't seen any. Usually its only up to 2-4 volumes.
Shit... I thought the tragedy tag only for the 1st and 2nd life and at the 3rd life he will have a good one with only his mom even without the father, bit to think the author so masochist about this genre.
Damn, I'm out. Can't stand this kind story, this is just gonna make me o depressed.
The update so slow or is it because it caught up with the raw? If it is then might as well stacking the chapter for later.
Wish someone would pick the novel.
I wonder of there is any hidden story about belgrieve? Would be great if there it is, but as far as I see from this plot if there is any hidden story about him it will ruin the comedy and might as well become full shounen manga.
Also why the story jumped? It skipped the timeline between after...
See, I am right. It's a butt now.. I guess all fetish is gathered now, will there another one out there?
Also that's one hell of doctor, to think she would encourage the deed in public.