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  1. M

    Emperor, Stay Here, Your Knight's Getting Off Work - Ch. 17

    ahsdfkljads OKAY WAIT I ACTUALLY RLLY LIKE MERCHANT GUY I KNOW I SAID "yes off him" BUT LIKE,,, ajsdfklasd when he got freaked out by a bipedal dog i fucking DIEd omg alfry standing on two legs i
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    Emperor, Stay Here, Your Knight's Getting Off Work - Ch. 16

    i'm going to throw hands at the merchant leader
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    I'm Destined for Greatness! - Ch. 27

    honestly good on him for running, love that for him.
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    My Lady, Please Become My Heroine! (Promo) - Oneshot

    oh :0 i really enjoy that this is from a npc perspective that works in her own world without being dragged into the "main cast". it seems very interesting so far! thank you so much for the translation!! :)
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 15

    i can't believe they straight up named a doctor "medison". medicine. ajsidfl;jadskjfs i can't stop thiking about this-
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

    @herpesfreesince2003 i fucking agree like,,, while i don't think the brothers' bullying was acceptable and the younger and current Hari shouldn't have let that go unacknowledged, right now, she has the mentality of a 27 year old, she should definitely at least be mentally mature enough to...
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    jesus fuck that's pretty traumatizing.
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    while i think hari is great and i feel like she's justified in her anger against her brothers, she has to remember they're still children right now. they're younger and right now, i'm pretty sure their actions, while inexcusable, you can tell come from a place of hurt. like. literally some girl...
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    bro,,,, there's clearly neglect for the brothers from the parents. most likely after arina died, they became way stricter and over protective over hari, and their parents were way stricter and colder with the boys or smth. dude i feel bad for the brothers, though, how they treated hari...
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    Kill the Hero - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    thank you for the chapter!!!
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    ngl, i already like cassius more than his son solely bc yanderes always like. freak me out ngl. idk something about sudden manipulation makes me feel hhhhhh, though, it does make this plot super interesting. thank you for the chapter!
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    hasdfhsad th the fucking translator notes omg "maybe it was hot" asdjfkla;sdjf STOP I CANT THANK YOU!
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    Untouchable - Ch. 3 - Running

    thank you for this chapter!!! and >:) i'm so invested in mincheng like maybe i just love happy characters but he's really giving it his all.
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    The Live - Ch. 8

    no omg :((( the moment he was like "you won't die" and promising him he will personally make sure of that, i felt a death flag trigger, especially with his background of having children to take care of and things to live for, i- :(((( DEath flags for days NO i SINCERELy hope the kid survives...
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    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    >:( i'm glad they acknowledge her feelings in being forced to apologise for something that's sharply out of her control- it's one of the worst feelings ever. i genuinely hope she gets to rise above that soon. since most likely the brothers will end up more friends than foes later in the story...
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    One Point Advice Yankee - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

    LMAOOOO comparing him to a domestic cat "i don't gotta leash him?" okay but he's literally the neighbourhood's domestic cat: he wanders around and is basically friends with everyone but not being attached by one of them. thank you for translating!! :)
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    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    !! oh bro what that's so cool!! like the choices were definitely cool and stuff, and i really thought it was interesting and very very unique, nothing would've progressed in the long run with those, and she wouldn't have survived with just those options.
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    I'm Destined for Greatness! - Ch. 26

    thank you for this chapter!!!