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  1. 4altera

    Azur Lane Comic Anthology - Vol. 7 Ch. 3 - The Javelin Swimsuit Operation

    Now I want every kansen has their own swimsuit chapter and skin
  2. 4altera


    Judging from the chapter 20, even without read the chapter, I'm sure this chapter is also as shit as chapter 20.
  3. 4altera


    TYPICAL SHITTY SNIPER'S QUALITY what the fuck is wrong with you @rakshan314 !? How dare to snipe with this shitty typesetting and translation. What the fuck is wrong with MD, bloody refugee from various place just creating mess and toxic community
  4. 4altera

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 23

    Sigh.. what a stupid king from a little kingdom. No wonder there are people who oppose you when you that kind of stupid dan narrow minded
  5. 4altera

    Akachan Ryuu no Osewagakari ni Ninmei Saremashita - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    Oh look now everyone arrived. Next what? Entire army appears and invade demon's capital? Such a lazy author who rely on deus ex machina
  6. 4altera

    Azur Lane Comic Anthology - Vol. 7 Ch. 1 - Aka ☽ Camp

    Hey look the trio takao sisters and... Uh, one step sister? 😁
  7. 4altera


    @Jackripper because of idiot sniper like you everything is fall apart. How can even you dare to start sniping from Loli who has enough dedication to has good translation unlike you.
  8. 4altera


    @aerozext I suggest you to create your own website to place your translation first like what mangasushi did. Mangadex is to toxic and worsening with refugee from mangarock. MS doesn't even have a fix rule to prevent sniping and the community dumb enough to support a piece of shit translation...
  9. 4altera

    Happy Harem Making with the Mightiest Orc!

    Fucking sniper and all their idiot reader. All Hail Loli
  10. 4altera

    The Reincarnated "Sword Saint" Wants to Take It Easy - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - 《Sword Saint》's Bodyguard

    @madospicy Nah it's not. A lot of martial arts term that is not translated by their practitioner. It's not just because sounds cooler or whatever, but not to lose the essence of the meaning and to distinguish them from the another.
  11. 4altera

    Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Compulsory Conscription Order, Defeat the Ancient Dragon

    Fuck it!! This is beyond laziness anymore... > dragon that stopped the expansion of kingdom and farmland for FREAKING AGES!!! >Thousands sent out against AGAIN AND AGAIN TO ENTIRELY WIPED OUT and this fucking beta MC just killed it one attack. Heck, even that chief of royal magician didn't...
  12. 4altera

    Lust Geass - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    Fuck this shit. She is a bitch and the MC is not a man, just a pathetic sex doll who cheating with her girlfriend
  13. 4altera

    Lust Geass - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    F*ck this shit.. Why when they already became a couple that bitch didn't even back down.. No wonder she is bullied by her classmates
  14. 4altera

    Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 76

    Mass release eh? Do you afraid another project that you hold will be snipe in retaliation? Lol..
  15. 4altera

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.2

    @Nekoya-Sensei Nah it's not. NASS for more than 2 months didn't even update any chapter, and suddenly when someone else want to translate it they start bitching around about sniping and threaten the translator like they are only one who have the 'right' to translate it. No one can prevent...
  16. 4altera

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

    No... Please continue, let NASS become a bit humble and make them not thinking everyone just a worthless peasant
  17. 4altera

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    So now NASS panicked and release chapters after 2 months vacuum and bitching around about sniping. Just give the damn project to someone else when you don't have the manpower to do it.
  18. 4altera

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

    F*ck off NASS. Don't ask everyone to quit when you didn't even post any chapter for 2 months and crying ask everyone for help against the snipe
  19. 4altera


    Nah don't bother it, she will be fine.