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  1. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 6 Ch. 51 - Lively is best

    I'm sure if Saitama from One Punch Man was here listening to this in page 16 he would be yelling his head off.
  2. TheDevilsApprentice

    Gakkou Gurashi! - Vol. 12 Ch. 72 - Hold it in

    Yea I think it's safe to say that they ain't gonna make it.
  3. TheDevilsApprentice

    Sabinuki Kanojo

    Should probably add "Supernatural" to the list of genres for this manga.
  4. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 4 Ch. 36 - Only kittens have that no-effort cuteness

    @Kiriha The only thing I am fixated on is this series becoming an anime.
  5. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii

    I know I asked this before but I need to ask it again. HOW IS THIS NOT AN ANIME YET?
  6. TheDevilsApprentice

    Chocolat no Mahou

    This is almost exactly like Hell Girl.
  7. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii

    I said it once and I will keep saying it until it finally happens: THIS NEEDS TO BE AN ANIME NOW.
  8. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii

    @mainimi Don't be afraid this is a legit good one.
  9. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii

    @boag Dude if you wait 8 years for this to be over in order for you to read it you will greatly regret it. Now I haven't seen or read Hayate the Combat Butler so I can't really say it's shit or compare this manga to it but I'm telling you this is a really great manga, in fact this might actually...
  10. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tsugihagi na Kanojo

    @zetsuravez I wont say anything just read it and find out yourself.
  11. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tsugihagi na Kanojo

    @Myon Amen.
  12. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tsugihagi na Kanojo

    @Ejxs No she doesn't feel guilty cause you heard her yourself she and the doctor both said it was all a game to them. They even said that they made her parents deaths look like a robbery when in actuality she killed them.
  13. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tsugihagi na Kanojo

  14. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tsugihagi na Kanojo

    Okay so I'm in the middle of chapter 1 and I can instantly tell how this will all end at pages 3, 4, 5, and 17. Update: Son of a bitch I was prepared to cry at the end then this shit happens. I hate this manga now cause it pulled on my emotions and at the ending it betrayed those emotions.
  15. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Everything is so I can love you

  16. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - The older you get, the better Kyoto becomes.

    Oh that's good so in exchange for the low amount of pages this chapter we get a couple of chapters this week.
  17. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Struggles of Akari

    Is that a Hellsing reference on page 6?
  18. TheDevilsApprentice

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - The older you get, the better Kyoto becomes.

    Liked the chapter as a whole, didn't like it was shorter then usual.
  19. TheDevilsApprentice

    Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu.

    She put all her points into her defense cause she doesn't want to be hurt? ITS AN MMO IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT. I feel this manga was made to trigger every single MMO player.