I'm I the only one who misses when Yamai actually pulled Shouko's pantyhose on her head (in front of her no less), or when Chadano petted her on the head? Just sayin'.
It kinda looked like Lorem had three wings on page 4. My studies of anime, manga, and game bosses over the years always says that the ones with odd number wings are the truly serious hardcore badasses.
Komi-dad is in the direct genealogy, perhaps within 2-3 generations of The MEGA-PLAYBOY. For those few sad individuals who haven't been educated on the MEGA-PLAYBOY, I would refer you to DNA2.
Page 14. That moment when you realize that the little girl has bigger stones (and more reason to have them) than 95% of the other characters in this (or any) manga.
I'm waiting for Fooly's little sister to kick the crap out of that THOT for making a move on her brother without her approval (which Leo already has). Then Berserk Blade whoops the crap out of what ever is left of THOT just for attempting to hurt her friends (both Fooly and Leo).
This chapter is proof that Nanoha is a GOOD GIRL. She remembered her promise, then was moved to tears and was willing to go and immediately reconcile just to make it right. Neither of them is right or wrong, and that they are both thinking about not just themselves, but their friends as well, I...
This is a little too realistic. Everything is normal, until........... IT ISN'T! Then you go around in circles for a while trying to figure out what happened and why, til you're so tired and pissed you don't care any more. Then you develop a mental twitch that is cued by the innocuous statement...