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  1. kitsushouten

    Koi to Uso - Vol. 10 Ch. 217 - Can't be Overwritten

    Damn this manga is so bad at times but I will never not read it. Also takasaki-san where dat ass runnin off to? Off the page?
  2. kitsushouten

    Otome no Teikoku - Vol. 13 Ch. 164 - Catching Senpai

    I always liked how this author draws different body types!
  3. kitsushouten

    Gal Gohan - Vol. 9 Ch. 58 - Try-Out Pancakes

    Yay I like new kouhai
  4. kitsushouten


    I don't have sympathy for the fool. At the end all he felt was shame. A fitting death.
  5. kitsushouten

    Otome no Teikoku - Vol. 12 Ch. 156 - Sparkling!

    don't hate the playa hate the game
  6. kitsushouten

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 3 Ch. 33

    Thanks for the chapter, as always!
  7. kitsushouten

    Vampeerz - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Ascetic

    damn aria really aint havin that yuri today huh?
  8. kitsushouten

    Mokuyoubi wa Kimi to Nakitai - Vol. 3 Ch. 24 - Shaken

    ohhhh my mans about to box
  9. kitsushouten

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 3 Ch. 57 - Overslept

    Eeeeh when I was in grade school I'd have dreams like that all the time. Really the worst, too.
  10. kitsushouten


    @TrueGoddessReincarnation HEE HEE
  11. kitsushouten

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 3 Ch. 32

    It makes me sad that izumi is afraid of judgement, like he has to be held to a higher standard of classic manliness. He is really manly, in his own way. Very soft. I love them both so much.
  12. kitsushouten


    @TrueGoddessReincarnation "Michael" made me laugh whether it was intentional or not
  13. kitsushouten

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 22 Ch. 213 - Escape from Karafuto

    Mama likey the new sniper. Saying goodbye to tanigaki was sad :(
  14. kitsushouten

    Otome no Teikoku - Vol. 12 Ch. 153 - Someday, Surely (Part 1)

    I hope mio won't forgive her for this. I hope she will end it all.
  15. kitsushouten


    Isnt that the blade color the goblin mask guy talks about wanting to see so much
  16. kitsushouten

    The Duke of Death and His Black Maid - Vol. 8 Ch. 98 - Staring Contest

    Aww now things are beginning to make sense. Alice used the humor in being lewd to get the duke to open up. Duke was such a sweet boy when he was little and she is giving him rope to climb out of the despair. God they're so perfect.