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  1. M

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 63 - A Raging Situation!? Lico-kun’s Torrential Havoc!!

    Another splendid brainwashing! :P No, seriously, in this case, unlike with Hon, I doubt Shamiko actually did much that couldn't have been done in the real world. There may have been some slight influence on Lico's subconscious to make her more willing to cooperate, but I suspect this would have...
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    Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu - Vol. 4 Ch. 15.4 - Tea Party Part 4

    Aira is still basically a child: she's used to having someone else (her parents, her teachers, someone in authority) tell her what she needs to do. Here the prince has been telling her what she needs to do, so she's gone along with him. Even when the girls complain to her, she just gets...
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    Hikikomori Reijou wa Hanashi no Wakaru Seijuuban - Ch. 1

    Why is he inflicting sacred beasts on a girl who came to interview as a librarian?
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    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 3 Ch. 38 - Secrets of 10 Years Ago! Memories Shaped Like Petals

    @LLENN: Yes, Yuko is carrying Ryo's share of the curse as well. That why Yuko's condition grew worse during the time when her mother was pregnant with Ryo: the force of the curse that would have fallen on Ryo fell on Yuko, who was already suffering massively from her own portion, instead.
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    Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame ni Ganbattemasu. - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    "Once every second cycle the capital is by magic" ...what?
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    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 62 - The Unique Tag Team! Infiltrate Crimson’s Dreams!

    @BugDemon I mean, that's "brainwashing" in the most literal sense: she went inside Hon's brain and washed it out. :P More seriously, Shamiko used mental powers to change Hon's actions to something Shamiko prefers. Could she had done this through just talking things out with Hon normally? It's...
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    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 62 - The Unique Tag Team! Infiltrate Crimson’s Dreams!

    I'd think folks would learn to recognize character behaviors by now. Hon is tsundere. She's not a good cook, so she's ashamed to try working with her grandfather. She speaks aggressively to try to hide her shame and embarassment. Also, yes, she wants to be a fashion designer: there's nothing...
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    Seifuku no Vampiress Lord - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Affection Of The Eternity Lord

    Dammit Japan, why must you have terrible taste? Axing a beautiful story like this should be a crime.
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    Adachi to Shimamura - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Strange☆Adachi

    Damn it, Shimamura, how can you be so smart at analyzing most of what she's saying, and yet so stupid about the most critical part?!
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    She Is Also Cute Today - Ch. 18

    Either option 1 or 3. (what? I love a good tsundere rival pairing)
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    The Reincarnated Young Lady Aims to Be an Adventurer! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    Wait, she didn't have to beat up some random thug who tried to bully her moments after she entered the guild? And the guild immediately recognized her skill and put her at a suitable rank rather than insisting she start at the bottom and work her way up? This story is breaking all the rules...
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    Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

    Does this look like the face of mercy?
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    Shadows House (Official Colored) - Vol. 4 Ch. 44 - To Come of Age

    She may be a horrifying featureless eldritch abomination, but I have faith that Kate will not only find a way to fix Emilyko, but that she now also won't rest until she gets to the bottom of this.
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    Shadows House (Official Colored) - Vol. 4 Ch. 44 - To Come of Age

    Kate seems to be an aberration among the young shadows. Intelligent enough to realize something's wrong, and motivated enough that I expect her to do something about it. The family is going to regret drugging Emilyko.
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    Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya - Vol. 4 Ch. 80

    The accent took some getting used to, but if you can include footnotes or whatever with a more ordinary English translation, that would be fine.
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    Shinchou-sa Kanojo - Ch. 1

    This. Give me all of this.
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    Gushing over Magical Girls - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    All right, Utena, this is your responsibility. Either you take her as your slave the way you clearly indicated you wanted to in the past, or you make friends with her and help her put her shattered mind back together, and then never do this sadist stuff again. Either way, you need to take...
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    Gushing over Magical Girls - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    Aww, but we were so close to perfection! Damn it, Utena, this is what you said you wanted!
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    Seifuku no Vampiress Lord - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Blood Sucking of the New Lord

    I don't know what Rin's gloating about, since that information means that he was getting off by assaulting a teenage girl.