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  1. pandatime

    Game-nai Saikyou no "Ura Boss" ni Tensei shita no de, Shujinkou no Kawarini Saisoku Clear wo Mezashimasu! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    yeah you gotta admit Luluna sure got heart swnging her dingy arms to try and help lmao
  2. pandatime

    Isekai Mofumofu Cafe - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

    i think the funniest thing to me is that Himeri prepared the like 3 of the mask for cerberus also to the poor bad guy yeah your employer did nto warn you about LUke since the guy thought luke was just a big dog isnce i dunno hes a fucking stupid noble thats why lmao
  3. pandatime

    Ane ga Kensei de Imouto ga Kenja de - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Luciana

    It is honestly funny how she kept smashing him just for the sole fact she was kinda mad and the moment she chill down she just goes ok bye and just snaps thr dude from this world. Also yeah Shadow at start did not know they was holding back sure but even thrn you must be some kind of special...
  4. pandatime

    Re:Monster - Ch. 104

    Itsna good thing princess got a head on her shoulder since wow inkinds forgot how silly queen gets around him lmao. Also a threat to thr world but also a way to thin it out huh? Neat
  5. pandatime

    Isekai Craft Gurashi ~Jiyuu Kimama na Seisan Shoku no Honobono Slow Life~ - Ch. 29

    Rly lit a fire in the prince there i mean like literally you guys startes a fire good job
  6. pandatime

    My Only Fans Are The Dead - Ch. 7

    Ruri aint wrong at the last few pages but man she got drawn like a bitch about it lol Hopefully shes not one and its just a red herring for something else Granny si right he is built pretty nice :huh:
  7. pandatime

    Isekai Nonbiri Nouka - Ch. 246 - Spears for the Angels (3)

    In hindsight one dhould expect that the horn of something thays rly incredible strong like an inferno wolf to pack some power but yeah they did not expect this kuch most likely
  8. pandatime

    Dame Skill [Auto Mode] ga Kakuseishimashita ~Are, Guild no Scout-san, Ore wo "Iranai"-tte Itte Masendeshita?~ - Vol. 8 Ch. 60 - The Tragedy of C

    I know they said she got good hearing but damn it rly must be insanely good seeing as shes outside and im pretty sure their inside yet she caught that..
  9. pandatime

    Ossan Teihen Chiyu-shi to Manasume no Henkyou Life - Vol. 7 Ch. 32 - Peaceful Days

    yeah its kinda fucked up that the on ly thing he has to Bury with nycto are her hat. I guess thers still something he can use but like Man..
  10. pandatime

    Akuyaku Reijo no Ani ni Tensei Shimashita - Vol. 3 Ch. 20

    Good thing Il is back ther with Diana lol
  11. pandatime

    Where the Light Lives. - Oneshot

    you know cutting her up to put her in a sack to make use of her immortality to free her is sure one hell of a way to do it yeah and honeslty i did not even think about that at all
  12. pandatime

    Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru? - Ch. 52

    I will repeat again CAN WE NOT MAKE THE GUY WE KNOW IS DANGEROUD NOT ANGRY PLSSS that Prince and Simon worked hard for this man lmao.
  13. pandatime

    Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru? - Ch. 50

    :nyoron: can you fuckers not atagonise somehitng someone has worked rly hard to make sure dont go apeshit on Humanity for once? no? ok...
  14. pandatime

    Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga - Ch. 46

    He finally have a vacation and was allowed to chill st home like the other famillars most likely. Which good he deserves it
  15. pandatime

    Isekai de Saikyou no Skill o Umidaseta node, Hitasura Musou Suru Koto ni Shimashita. ~ Ore Dake ga Skill no Suuchi o Katte ni Sousa ~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.1

    Theres something fucking hillaeuous how unlike most other Stuff this guy did not let them Monologue at all. But also yeah tvis pacing is where the brakes
  16. pandatime

    102 - Ch. 1

    yeah its cute enough for now untill someone eventually messes with the sisters
  17. pandatime

    Potion wa 160 km/h de Nageru Mono! ~Item-gakari no Ore ga Bannou Kaifukuyaku o Touteki suru Koto de Saikyou no Boukensha ni Nariagaru!?~ - Vol. 3 Ch.…

    i do like a phantom thief who goes oh yeah have thsi stuff back thats not from corrupt ppl my bad lmao sorry
  18. pandatime

    Mary-san - Ch. 200

    The Mary Council has decided to spare us afterall