What a bold choice of Kanan. Very nice, very nice.
However, that sales rep needs to be reprimanded for her lack of proffessionalism. That is no way to treat a customer.
No, Jeanne, you are the demons
And then Jeanne was a pervert
Also, somebody get me in touch with Heaven, I wanna talk to them about some business opportunities, because hooooo boy, that mark placement.
We got D4C doorslam, roadorolla, and multiple kicks a la Gold Experience.
We also got a sexy tan schoolgirl. ...i dunno man, this maid is doing things to me.
then why do you keep reading, you dolt?
3/10 bait, made me reply.
Edit: oh shit, there's an "ignore user" option that straight up removes their comment from my side? That's so useful! Wish I had known about this sooner!