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  1. yasashikakashi

    An Evil Dragon That Was Sealed Away for 300 Years Became My Friend (Pre-Serialization) - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    @Tamerlane lmao I didn't make that connection, thanks for the chuckle.
  2. yasashikakashi

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 3 Ch. 36.1 - Branch-off Edition

    WE DID IT BOYS The likes corner finally says they like eachother.
  3. yasashikakashi

    Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 88

    Still can't read the fucking chapter.
  4. yasashikakashi

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 5 Ch. 64 - Everyone's Christmas

    To some viewers, the side ship feels more natural because the author doesn't need to stretch it for runtime. So it progressed nicely. Inuyama is a lot more assertive, he's a pervert, but he's not a caricature, and he has the self-confidence and humor that friends can feed off of. It's no wonder...
  5. yasashikakashi

    Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 3 Ch. 34.2 - Extra Chapter 31 - Life and Death

    @N0Mi0 They follow the proper timeline; they show old twitter extras with old chapters. The most recent twitter extras show the relationship in a much more advanced stage, .
  6. yasashikakashi

    Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest - Vol. 6 Ch. 54 - God Seeds

    Jellal and Laxus buddy cop spinoff when
  7. yasashikakashi

    Itte Hoshikatta dake no Onee-san - Ch. 3

    She's adorable. She's trying to be cheeky but he's too naive and inexperienced to notice, and she's too bad at it. t's miscommunication for the sake of comedy, and it works because she's clearly into him and beats herself over it. Y'all acting like she fucking hates him, when she's drowning in...
  8. yasashikakashi

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 3 Ch. 34 - I Watched It

    @Kaduufrrj Beautiful, thanks.
  9. yasashikakashi

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 3 Ch. 34 - I Watched It

    @Kaduufrrj Same. I'm glad this translation releases regularly. Where did you find them btw ?
  10. yasashikakashi

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 3 Ch. 34 - I Watched It

    Future spoiler grabbed off of twitter
  11. yasashikakashi

    The City of Imprisoned Love - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - “Behind the Eye”

    So Old Man is the Architect of the Matrix, watching over the younger fake(?) Makoto -the Neo who will free humanity from the Matrix. Why did he wait until now to communicate with Makoto? If he sent him in there on purpose he should've prepared him. Ai is Xehanort at this point.
  12. yasashikakashi

    Bijutsu Tougou Kai - Ch. 2 - I can only think about boobs now

    Wholesome lewdness is always good. @mrmm It's a seed that looks like a nut. "A study in rats demonstrated the ability of an alcohol extract of nutmeg to increase male libido and potency." She tryna buff his penis.
  13. yasashikakashi

    Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? - Vol. 6 Ch. 29

    @hidarion37 Miharu is normal compared to the rest, just a bit of stalker but she's nice otherwise.
  14. yasashikakashi

    Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 56 - Suspicious Characters Tend to wear Black

    Thank you for bringing this back. I missed this, can't wait for the development between the evil boss and his assistant.
  15. yasashikakashi

    Bijutsu Tougou Kai

    Wtf this is the best