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  1. Karothat

    Rockman-san - Ch. 37

    Geez, Enker... Take a chill pill Download some chill protocols, will ya?
  2. Karothat

    T-REX na Kanojo

    It makes me sad that we never got to see them ask each other out, and become an official couple.
  3. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Best protago-nurse is next! Aaand I've just learned that this manga concludes on chapter 28. XP
  4. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban

    What a relief! Clumsy-crybaby protago-nurse is best protago-nurse. It's just too bad that she's the star of the chapter AFTER the next one...
  5. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban

    Please tell me this series didn't get dropped BEFORE the klutzy nurse chapter!
  6. Karothat

    Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - The Dullahan Haruse and Her Friends

    That last page... It's like some kind of messed up "bridal carry." All we need now is Haruse's body carrying the guy while HE carries Haruse's head.
  7. Karothat

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 143

    Yikes, poor Lightning Max lost both of his feet.
  8. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    This protago-nurse is a lot more angry than she is in the hentai. Speaking of which, there are two new episodes!
  9. Karothat

    Rockman-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 24

    That last panel has meme potential...
  10. Karothat

    Rockman-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    Did they really need to input the "godly accent" into the translation? I nearly herniated my brain just to decipher it...
  11. Karothat

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Ch. 401 - The Buta House.

    As much as I /love/ Kawai's kooky family, I wanna see the aftermath of Wakai's confession to Manbagi.
  12. Karothat

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 30 Ch. 400 - Kawai-san's House.

    So... Kawai might be crazier than I thought. Is it weird that I want to see Yamai team up with Kawai's cousin/brother?
  13. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Prepare yourselves, as the most twisted of the protago-nurses takes center stage next chapter!
  14. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    In the hentai videos, Crazy nurse took the shota to the locker of the nurse from the previous chapter... And made the shota ejaculate all over the contents of said locker.
  15. Karothat

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 4 Ch. 48 - Video games.

    When I first read this chapter, I thought to myself "Wow, they've really gone retro with the art!" Then I noticed that the chapter in question is 350 issues before the last release.
  16. Karothat

    Sakusei Byoutou Zen-nennrei-ban

    "Sakusei Byoutou The Animation" is the title, at least on MuchoHentai. It's got 3 episodes. I should warn you, though: Any wholesomeness (such as it is) goes right out the window.
  17. Karothat

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Ch. 392 - Kawai-san is

    Not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping Yamai would latch on to Kawai instead of Komi...
  18. Karothat

    Dai Kyochuu Rettou - Vol. 7 Ch. 25.2 - Full Stomach (Part 02)

    So whatever happened to this manga? Did it get dropped?
  19. Karothat

    Chichi Chichi - Vol. 4 Ch. 70

    My guess is either foster mom or stepmom.