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    Darwin's Game - Vol. 9 Ch. 35

    Is it just me, or does the 'human' who will give 100 points very closely resembles Kaname?
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    Darwin's Game - Vol. 8 Ch. 32

    Wondering same about the phone - I thought the player automatically 'game over'-ed and died??
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    Darwin's Game - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    He's volunteering quite a lot of info to an info-broker. Including his non-greatness....
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    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Two Egg Yolks OK?

    She could wear the current uniform to school and the 'sailor' uniform (I'm really confused about this designation, other than superficial similarities) wherever else she feels like?
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    Sora Yori Takaku - Vol. 3 Ch. 37 - The Merciless Agony-Style Training!!

    I'm surprised there've been no comments on any chapters so far; although, admittedly, I have no words for what's happening in this manga. Thanks for the translations though. There seems to be an error in the posting of chapter 27 (at least, chapter 37 appears to also be listed as chapter 27).
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    Asahinagu - Vol. 3 Ch. 29 - Proof of a Beginner

    I don't know if she has to use stairs to get the water, but it shouldn't be too hard for an athlete to do, if there's a generous time allocation. I'm guessing it's intended like a weighted cardio session, meant to help her endurance, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's also supposed to be a...
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    Yuusha ga Shinda! - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - Body Fluid

    Now I'm waiting on the plot twist where we find out Touka -san is the one who actually sealed the gate/figured out how to do it. He got fed up of the job and his replacement was always kind but aloof, in order to hide the fact that he wasn't a real saviour . . .
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    Fechippuru - Bokura no Innocent Love - Vol. 3 Ch. 37 - Happy Intoxication

    Would a 'normal girl' in this situation actually be creeped out though? Why?
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    Shitai no ♡ Karen-san!!

    @comeonnow0 whoops, just remembered that feature and came to edit my post. Thanks though
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    Shitai no ♡ Karen-san!!

    Does anyone know how many chapters there are in total? Also, request for : Edit: strikethrough on stupid question
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    Noboru Kotera-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 11.5

    No worries about the delay. Thanks for the translation(s). Good luck with your classes.
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    I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

    @Tamerlane on what basis do you presume him to be mentally ill? (Beyond a basic assumption that those who are good manipulators might all be impaired?) I don't think anyone else reading this chapter concludes that he's genuinely seeking consent, or that he would be willing to accept a refusal...
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    Fechippuru - Bokura no Innocent Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 10.5 - From Dating to Living Together

    @emmJH @Tensei21 speculating here, but I imagine it's the cultural equivalent (well, similar at least, cause they do allow other close friends to use it) of a 'pet name' that partners have for each other in (some) western culture? So, the embarrassment is not just them using the name, but the...
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    The Gender of Mona Lisa

    @zokoi19 you meant the character's change, not the concept for the entire novel? I would agree that changing based on (other's) expectations is ridiculous, but changing based on attraction should be considered just as valid as changing based on your own feelings (I'm not sure which...
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    The Gender of Mona Lisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Princess Who Loved Insects

    I wonder if the author has the same feelings expressed by the translator, and why they're choosing this route. Not sure yet if Shiori is manipulative or dense/insensitive (he could have just said that he's not going out with Arima?), but none of the reasons I can think of for his approach make...
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    The Gender of Mona Lisa

    @zokoi19 the manga's entire premise is two characters who 'chose' (?) opposite sexes liking someone that still doesn't have a gender though. So it'll require quite a bit of assumptions (at this point) to say that their own gender is based on their attraction.
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    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    @Pastellix I think the point was that it's not supposed to be a confession. Anyway, I'm guessing most guys in the setting are too ashamed of getting assistance from/being shown up by her.
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    Asahinagu - Vol. 3 Ch. 27 - The Witch in Black

    *reads comments* *feels sorry for scanlators* Eri seems to complain a lot here, for being the organizer of the camp.... I get that Japan is safe, but why would anyone leave a vehicle unattended, with keys in it, in a strange place/when about to meet people for the first time??
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    The Twins' Circumstances - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @Roughmutt is actually common (if not prevalent) for people to be attracted to a partner that's similar-looking. @Kuroww that's exactly what I'm wondering. No idea what mum was thinking. Surprised that no one else commented on it - they all seem concerned about something else.😶
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    Solo Leveling - Vol. 2 Ch. 116

    @spoonikle I can't recall if there are detention systems, but the rest of your scenario isn't really correct. People don't necessarily have to stumble upon the gate, they can search for it/the source when the 'monsters' are encountered anywhere. Also,