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  1. DarcknightX

    Miageru to Kimi wa

    This one's alright but IMO there's not enough conflict to really be engaged with the story so far. Story is still pretty new though so not much to go on.
  2. DarcknightX

    Boon ga Ijime ni Atteita You Desu

    Lmao this is pretty good Although it's understandable to call someone creepy when they have no nose and only lines for eyes
  3. DarcknightX


    Why does mashima not use any unique designs for the main charaCters?? He legit just recycles the same characters for the main cast every time lmao
  4. DarcknightX

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    wow this manga might just be the most boring manga I have ever read. The title is too true. Maybe I'll read this to help me sleep On a side note I wonder how these authors can mentally handle spending so much time making such a boring and lazy story
  5. DarcknightX

    Suicide Boy

    This is fucking terrible and I don't understand how tf the author finds this to be funny. What's the joke here? A kid tries to kill himself and the punchline is that he's too much of a failure to do it? Only read the first 10 chapters because why the fuck would anyone waste their lives with...
  6. DarcknightX


    I love the monogatari series but honestly the manga has a really weak portrayal of the series. The anime already cuts out a lot from the novels and the manga has this problem but worse. This manga is only for fans of monogatari tbh
  7. DarcknightX

    Tadokoro-san (Web Comic)

    this is lit
  8. DarcknightX


    Art style is amazing but the story felt rushed and thrown together
  9. DarcknightX


    yo this is actually lit lmao
  10. DarcknightX

    Oversimplified SCP

    Yea the stuff here really shows how cringy scp is. There's way too many joke scps and terrible fanmade ones that just makes it feel like a bad fanfiction of itself.
  11. DarcknightX

    Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaa-san wa Suki desu ka?

    wow pochi's art looks really different in this one compared to the other works
  12. DarcknightX


    manga is alright but tbh it's so far behind the ln that anyone whose even remotely interested in overlord is waaay past the current arc. although still nice to read new chapters
  13. DarcknightX

    Baikoku Kikan

    Yo this is actually amazing. hopefully more chapters can get translated.
  14. DarcknightX

    Ane Naru Mono

  15. DarcknightX

    Ane Naru Mono

    my favorite manga rn but legit pochi too busy selling merchandise to get a new chapter out. Legit three months and only bonuses chapters feels bad man
  16. DarcknightX

    High-Rise Invasion

    this started off ok but ended up being boring af with tonnes of random plot elements thrown in to drag the story on longer than it should've been.
  17. DarcknightX

    Boku no Kanojo wa Saikoudesu!

    good manga but stuff that's based on a current relationship is a big yikes for the future of the series lol
  18. DarcknightX

    Taimashi to Akuma-chan

    The demon is cute but the dude is creepy as hell. I wonder how people would treat this story if it was a demon boy instead of a girl. Also how is the rating so high for this lmao nothing happened in the story yet.
  19. DarcknightX

    Suterare Yuusha wa Kitakuchuu

    Only one chapter but seems like the typical cliche isekai. Also this manga reminds me a lot of Re Zero with the character designs. Maybe the author is just biting off another popular isekai, who knows
  20. DarcknightX

    A Slave Who Wants to Do Perverted Things With Her Master

    Why does this have slavery it doesn't contribute anything to the story except put it in bad taste lmao