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  1. Nekoya-Sensei


    So when is MD gonna actually try to properly run their shit servers?
  2. Nekoya-Sensei

    I'm an Evil God - Ch. 96 - Handing Out Slaps in the Face Like Crazy

    All hail the overlord @allenallenallen333
  3. Nekoya-Sensei

    Martial Peak - Ch. 857 - Politeness and Courtesy

    @oshi3 still no intelligence I see. I feel bad for you.
  4. Nekoya-Sensei

    Martial Peak - Ch. 857 - Politeness and Courtesy

    @oshi3 like I said, do a better job trolling kid.
  5. Nekoya-Sensei

    Martial Peak - Ch. 857 - Politeness and Courtesy

    @oshi3 if you are gonna troll then do better. Noob.
  6. Nekoya-Sensei

    I'm the Great Immortal - Ch. 255

    @Luca44 shut up. If you aren't going to properly translate then don't it at all especially when you bring this junk from aggragated sites.
  7. Nekoya-Sensei

    Martial Peak - Ch. 857 - Politeness and Courtesy

    Is the author fucking with us? Why is Yang Kai such a weak little bitch now? Too scared to do anything.
  8. Nekoya-Sensei


    Don't translate a series that's being properly translated by another group. That's called common courtesy.
  9. Nekoya-Sensei

    Rebirth of the Eternal Cultivator - Ch. 60 - End

    Unfortunate that it got the axe
  10. Nekoya-Sensei

    Cat System: The Emperor Is a Cat Lover - Ch. 1

    It's about time we get a cat manhua
  11. Nekoya-Sensei

    Cat System: The Emperor Is a Cat Lover

    @lordcrow oh look a trash that should've been swallowed
  12. Nekoya-Sensei

    I'm an Evil God - Ch. 105

    This pathetic loser and MD is more pathetic for letting in these kind of losers.
  13. Nekoya-Sensei

    Global Martial Arts - Ch. 47

    @tinklecake I can see you are not all that intelligent. I feel sorry for you that you are completely illiterate and don't even seem to understand how you are complaining.
  14. Nekoya-Sensei

    I'm an Evil God - Ch. 105

    It's just another troll that MD let through
  15. Nekoya-Sensei

    Global Martial Arts - Ch. 47

    @twinklecake I've seen a great deal of the time the official was done poorly compared to a fan translation. Also if you don't care then why are you complaining about us complaining about the guy stealing from the official translation?
  16. Nekoya-Sensei

    Global Martial Arts - Ch. 47

    They were probably stolen by this troll
  17. Nekoya-Sensei

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 333 - Sports Competition

    Come back to us Allen
  18. Nekoya-Sensei

    I Was Born as the Demon Lord's Daughter - Vol. 1 Ch. 19

    Even though it's your first time typesetting it wasn't bad. You should continue TL since it seems to have been dropped.