Well, the power of a corset/pushup bra IS godly, I will say that (as a girl).
Also how sly of the Archduke, he totally set her up for that question, whether he fails or not.
Ouch. Well, I don't think he planned it out exactly. It all just happened this way and Reiji snatched up the opportunity. The result is still the same, so I feel bad for Ao. I wonder if this'll end in a mindfuck like Sutenaide My Hero.
I have a soft spot for guys that look scary but are warm and milk-tea like on the inside xD Also "unrealistically good looking" is a nice way to describe Theo.
The look Astina/Martina gave Theo when he blocked that rock had so much sex appeal too, I was loving it.
Ah, I'm not surprised there is an argument going on about the morals of this particular shoujo manga, but I do have one question--
Since its based on a light novel, does anyone know where I can read a translation of the LN?