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  1. Madologist

    One-Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 151

    Dr. Bofoi turned out to be a bad GM with a versus mentality toward the PCs and even a sekf-insert GMPC. Well, too bad the sentient npc is coming for him, provided there isn't a flash sale or something.
  2. Madologist

    Osananajimi wo Erabenai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - So I'll Shout It Out

    The grinning one in the centre is the younger unsplit Karin, indeed a loli.
  3. Madologist

    Akuyaku Reijo no Ani ni Tensei Shimashita - Vol. 5 Ch. 31

    Better dead than red! Time to bust sone proto-commies before the ideology is even born!
  4. Madologist

    Fear: Reiwa Ghost Story - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Matching App

    Ghost of Tinder past is here to make you a hoe~ Boo~ Scaryyy~ These stories are nosleep level honestly.
  5. Madologist

    30-sai made Doutei de Itara Mahou Shoujo ni Narimashita - Vol. 3 Ch. 39 - Plan Your Homework Carefully

    He is trapped! Seal the box, ship it into the mines! Hmm... looking at this chapter, when was the last time I used any complicated math and could I even do it.
  6. Madologist

    Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dou Medereba ii? - Ch. 65

    Ponkotsu knight keeps delivering. Also for once this kind of situation makes sense, since the cat-nun can't actually see what is infront of her. Guess it falls to Barbaros to once more be the mage in dimming armour and clear all misunderstandings in one fell teleportation. As the title states...
  7. Madologist

    Daily Life of a Couple in Which the Boyfriend Became a Girl One Day - Ch. 54

    You'll also start to smell of medicine. Even basic painkillers have some effect on you.
  8. Madologist

    Daily Life of a Couple in Which the Boyfriend Became a Girl One Day - Ch. 54

    Ignoring eating habbits and changes in hygienic products, it is an interesting question how much a person's inherent scent would change if they were simsalabimed into the opposite sex?
  9. Madologist

    Mitame Jirai-kei Osananajimi no Ren'ai Story - Ch. 9

    Japanese drink bars and those eateries would go bankrupt if Finns started to frequent them. Seriously, drink buffets for 10-20€... One pint here can cost you that here.
  10. Madologist

    I'm in Love with the Villainess - Ch. 46 - Resistance

    The needle skips each revolution and jumps back to the same groove. Never advancing, always repeating.
  11. Madologist

    I'm Quitting the Hero's Party - Ch. 57

    The site is a red flag anyhow.
  12. Madologist

    I'm in Love with the Villainess - Ch. 46 - Resistance

    So how soon is Volcano? The figurative one is indeed Balcan levels of boiling, but what about the literal one?
  13. Madologist

    Trapped in a Cursed Game as an NPC - Vol. 2 Ch. 61

    There's something special about Shari's various expressions. Especially her troubled pouty face.
  14. Madologist

    Heroine? Saint? No, I'm an All-Works Maid (Proud)! - Vol. 4 Ch. 19

    Atleast it's actually picked up by a publisher and not some pay-per-chapter and buy our scam coin one. Thanks for your work so far.
  15. Madologist

    I Am a Max-level Priestess in Another World - Ch. 9 - I Said, Let There Be Light

    Between a wall of text of notes in the page/confusing the reader and localising incompatible sayings, the latter is almost always preferrable. Especially if the translators then dutifully inform the reader about it at the end of the chapter/volume. Weird how this is common sense in the fan-tl...
  16. Madologist

    Berserk - Ch. 377 - The Viper in His Bosom

    Guts' smile here reminds me of the Black Swordman arc. He might snap back into that darkness, now that he has lost his light once more. Hope the ragman is killed here finally, mayhap taking Daiba alongside him. As amusing a character he is, the foul snake should've perished with his dark lord.
  17. Madologist

    Akuyaku Reijou no Taida na Tameiki - Ch. 10

    So the apple fell from the mother not the father it would seem. Also what is with all these isekai and fantasy mangas/manwhas with their harems and concubines. You want civil war and succession crisis? That is how you get them. Clear succession laws and early and clear naming of the heir...
  18. Madologist

    Juunenme, Kikan wo Akirameta Tenisha wa Imasara Shujinkou ni naru - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Flareteria Dungeon Conquest: Part 4

    Shouldn't have put all your eggs in one basket. Learn to diversify and future proof. These merchants essentially are war profiteers upset at peace talks finishing up. Inb4 some idiot goes and unseals the dungeon core.
  19. Madologist

    Heroine? Saint? No, I'm an All-Works Maid (Proud)! - Vol. 4 Ch. 18

    Wonder if the pair and the little sister are distantly related to Melody, since that seems to be so far the theme for reincarnators. They must be rivals with the Amde family and Aintelia clan, yes?
  20. Madologist

    Mieruko-chan - Vol. 11 Ch. 60.5 - Volume 11 Extras

    That's tumblrithics, the western brand of the study. Animangathics use X as the pairing symbol. East multiplies, West divides. Take that as you wish.