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  1. Rodrigez89

    Front Mission - Dog Life & Dog Style

    In the beginning a almost standard, minimal-story Mecha-War-Manga: a lot of explosions, gun shooting and gore. And of course the morale of each arc is: War is sh*t (true enough). Good art though. Fascinating is how the Americans are depicted. The Autor must be really hating them. But the last...
  2. Rodrigez89


    What a Chunibyo Manga. The Fights are way to long and boring(sic!), every third panel there is a new skill/spell with a useless megalomaniac name which nobody has ever heard of before (with the exception of Fireball). So story don't get forward and if, the story jumps to somewhere not mentioned...
  3. Rodrigez89

    Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - It seems to be Silky.

    Translation fail or (more probably) a fail of the author: "Frau" means in German "woman" (if used alone) or "Ms." (if used with a name, like "Frau Verde" here). So using only "Frau" as a "name" ... it sounds odd, for example "Woman's morning starts early." It would sound good if used like "Frau...
  4. Rodrigez89

    Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - it seems to be an oversight

    Not only (sometimes) really bad translation but also almost non-existing proof-reading - and this in the whole manga so far. What a shame.