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  1. K

    The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 28

    Author really used an iconic name just like that huh.. might as well name your next character son goku or smth lmao. That shady kid tho..
  2. K

    Bring the Love - Ch. 40 - Season 1 Finale

    Lmfaoooo Leah's heart leaping out everytime my guy Roxant breathes 😂 Bro that finale was so satisfying, I won't even be mad if it's over y'all. Roxant best boy 😭 Thanks for the translation Matcha!
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    Bring the Love - Ch. 37

    Bro I died at Roxant's pixelated face 😂
  4. K

    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 23

    My guy ML really has to get used to MC playing mind games 24/7 like living with aizen type of shit? That's crazy man.
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    A Capable Maid - Ch. 37

    Bruh seeing these candidates already had me feeling tired 😩
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    Bring the Love - Ch. 28

    Bruh leah was about to end his career 😂 love that vibe in a FL 😍
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

    nah not everyone has incest loving goggles like yall do so eugene being ml is news lmfao really thought blue boy had a chance but author decide to be a sicko
  8. K

    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

    Look at these fools writing full page essays on "it's not incest" yall are so ugly. 😂 It's incest bruh she's raised with them as their sibling and looks exactly like their dead sister. Just admit you like disgusting incest tropes and stop acting like yall are enlightened.
  9. K

    Land of the Lustrous - Ch. 90 - Devastation

    Lol euclase get fuck'd 😂😂 They really thought they could talk no jutsu their way out of this lmfaooooo murder them phos 😚
  10. K

    Bring the Love - Ch. 21

    RIP PILLOW Y'ALL i could feel her crumpling inside when she fake smiled and said "I guess I got a little ahead of myself today." 😢😭 fucking relatable bye im dead
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    Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The First Breakfast

    I came for fluff but I guess suffering will do wtf the mangaka draws mc faceless in the panels where maid and husband are talking, like a bg chara. that's sad bro.😔
  12. K

    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @comedyxtragedy Bruh wtf, ofc she can't write a snitch letter. Have you ever heard of subtleties? 😅 Write a letter with subtle implications that she needs help, or she could just update them with the situation they're currently in (lie and say all is well in case intercepted by maids) then...
  13. K

    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    Yall are so funny defending fl. She sat on her ass and did nothing  for 31 chapters and y'all be praising that? You do you. 😂 You know what FL could do to stop being useless?? Write to Johan fam and ask for help. They literally said during the funeral if they need help, let them know. But being...
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    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    FL is useless, live through 2nd life and does nothing notable to change her fate >Knows that parents will die but does nothing big to change it >Knows that her adoptive relatives are shady af yet does nothing but gets whipped by her aunt. >Rebels a little but the action is so fucking...
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    Love that part where Bourbon bitch was about to kick the bucket and looks at the prince for help and this prince is like "oh wig you dead" 😂 He could not give a fuck lmaoooo 😂 hope they both die in a ditch 😙
  16. K

    Beware the Villainess! - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    prince is disgusting trash tier hoe If he's the ML there's no hope for this manwha hope FMc destroys him Wish that su luxia was here and punishes this cheating bastard
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    Wtf is this... ???? WHERE👏TF👏IS👏NEZUKO?? sis about to end yall bring her out
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    Muzan: I'll split myself to escape these hoes Tamayo: I'm about to end this man's whole career
  19. K

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 40

    Papa Salvatore is such a fucking mood 😂