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  1. S

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 67 - Girls Talk

    Finally, a good, accurate translation, unlike neo-Wicked House's shitty comeback. The JPN --> VT --> ENG translation for pages 5, 11, 12, 18, and 20 were especially egregious. And whoever the typesetter is, they really need some practice in actually fitting text into bubbles without making it...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 66 - Final Test

    Oh yeah, this translation is so much better. And not extremely convoluted like the other one. That's the beauty of translating directly from raws and also having someone actually proofreading the script. @viewtiful Afternoon Teashop is basically just Wicked House again, same low quality but...
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    @LyallKins Looks like chapters 66-69 are already spoken for. Perhaps what you could do is fill in the blanks between those SSSSS chapters, instead of wasting your time on repeating chapters. That would be the best case for everyone, and would give you more time to "practice" on a manga without...
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    @Kanami-chan Funny you say that, because I actually do scanlate. So I've got the expertise to call out a shitty job when I see it. And it's so bad that you can just tell that the translator never made it into high school. You can just tell that the typesetter has never typeset a thing in their...
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    @Kanami-chan I suppose I should've just typed out "person with incompetent 3rd-grade English who can't spell or use correct grammar" every time. You're right, I was doing ESL people a disservice by comparing the likes of some of these comments and this chapter's "translation" to them. Next time...
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    @Scrabbleman Oh look, someone who's so petty they go "OMG GONNA REPORT U" for every comment they don't like. And I can see why, judging by your mistake-riddled comment. You're just as ESL as the group doing the translation, so of course you defend your kind. Learn real grammar and come back when...
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    >watermarked pages >Jp --> Viet --> Eng >awful typesetting job by someone who's never typeset before, and what looks like WordArt on every other page >grammar mistakes and awkward ESL translations everywhere Begone, shitty new group. Gonna wait for real translations. Since your goal is to...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    Now that /a/nonymous has put their version of the chapter out, here's my final opinion: it's still complete trash. @TakoTaco00 should just stick to translating since he can't edit or typeset for shit. And after comparing the two chapters, he can't even translate well either, and he left so...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Study the demon realm

    Thank god for a good scanlation. The other one was complete trash, @TakoTaco00 should just stick to translating since he can't edit or typeset for shit. And after comparing the two chapters, he can't even translate well either, and he left so much untranslated that it's just pure incompetence...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    @GrimThoughts Yes, I am a jerk, because someone needs to be. Feel free to pussyfoot around and say "well it's not THAT bad, the scanlator tried their best, they just need some improvement". That does NOT help anything. They shouldn't have even put out chapters IN THE FIRST PLACE because the...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    @CimmicaCocoa I'll guess we'll agree to disagree on bashing free stuff. In fact, this 'free chapter' is actually detrimental to the manga as a whole, so it deserves the bashing. We already had an active group for the past 2 weeks putting out good chapters at a decent rate. Now with this 'free...
  12. S

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    If this 'freelancer' can't even do the basics of scanlation, then why are they even trying? It's SUPER EASY not to misspell the word 'deadbeat'. It's SUPER EASY not to forget literal punctuation. It's SUPER EASY to not do a half-assed job and actually translate everything on a page instead of...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    @CimmicaCocoa So this comment wasn't directed towards me? This comment which specifically names me, and talks about how I only called it trash and didn't criticize it? This comment right here? Okay. And yes, I believe people should be free to call things garbage without having to explain why...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    @GrimThoughts Also good, hopefully the translator realizes how much of a shit job he did and goes away to fuck up some other manga. Leave this one alone. Sniping a manga from a group that's literally releasing a new chapter every 3 days AND doing a trash job of it? That's the real cancer in the...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    @GrimThoughts @CimmicaCocoa Yes, they're totally free to upload their free translation. And I am free to criticize the shit out of it. Don't you love when things are free? I don't think you guys even read my posts, I both called it trash AND criticized it. I'll even repeat it again so you don't...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    @NeroPR >Otherwise, we just have to deal with it until we get a group willing to give this manga a home. We...literally have a group. Are you blind or have you not noticed /a/nonymous putting out the previous 10 chapters with much better quality and a very good release time? >I'm okay with the...
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - Devilish Studies

    Bruh, if you don't even know how to typeset or edit, why even put out this trash? Do you hate the manga so much that you're butchering the drawings? This manga doesn't deserve your disrespect. Also, learn to use correct grammar. -You're missing commas and periods on pages 4-7, 10 , 15-20...
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    @knrmr It's another one of those stupid 'poetic' decisions the translator made. I guess they thought it sounded cute but it just sounds cringeworthy as fuck. Especially since they didn't localize any other honorifics. Imagine Nezuko calling Tanjirou 'Jirou' instead of onii-chan, lmao.
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    @jcspecik Just report their chapter for stealing scans, they even erased your watermark as well. Also, this chapter alone should be taken down just for the stupid decision to call Sanemi 'Nemi' when it literally says onii-chan in the raws. Now I have to see this cringeworthy name everywhere...