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  1. G

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 30 - SCP-2513

    @Romariel Security level refers to how hard and/or costly is to contain it, it doesn't refers to how dangerous it is. Being a bridge that must be supervised 24/7, with all crossing strictly forbidden, I think it must be costly.
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    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 17 - ●●|●●●●●|●●|●

    Yo can see pictures of it and can write about it, just can't SAY anything about it. I can't write anything else.
  3. G

    Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    I'm almost sure that it gonna end up being the sister, but just this time, please not incest.
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    Monogatari no Naka no Hito - Vol. 1 Ch. 9.5

    I think is more like they still can experiment the enjoyment of growing and learning new magic, while he is at pretty much the epitome of how strong a magician can become, having almost nothing (or maybe nothing) else he could learn now.
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    Retired Heroes - Ch. 10 - The Children of The King

    @ShinGetsu No, they know she is a demon, and thats why they act like that.
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    Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Soooo... At least one of them seems to be a real bunny-alien girl... I need to say that I didn't expected that...
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    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 7 Ch. 55 - The Last Exam - Miku’s Side

    Don't know if I got it right, but I'm pretty sure this is gonna end up in harem, given the hints the author has been giving us from halfway the manga, but who knows?? Also, MIKU BEST GIRL!!!
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    Boku no Kanojo wa Saikoudesu! - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    Damn! This is so fucking cute that I can feel my corrupted heart melt! SO! MUCH!! FLUFF!!!
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    Sweet X Trouble - Ch. 10 - What Kind of Rival Is This? (3)

    If we evaluate this the logical way, then there shouldn't be any reason to continue being MC's girlfriend once she has been found, so if she really didn't had any kind of feeling for MC then she could had let him die, or dissapear without saying anything.
  10. G


    I gonna be pretty angry if he goes and have sex with the princess just to become stronger.